Open Space Strategy consultation results

The City of Ballarat is developing a new Open Space strategy that will guide the management of parks, reserves and green spaces for the next 10 years.

Lady in Victoria Park with her golden retriever

Hear from the community


The City of Ballarat is developing a new Open Space strategy that will guide the management of parks, reserves and green spaces for the next 10 years.

From December 2023 through to January 2024, we reached out to the community to ask what open space meant to you. The response was strong, with more than 900 replies to the survey, map and ideas board.

The response to the visioning phase was very encouraging with:

  • 703 completed surveys
  • 189 pins on the interactive map
  • 15 ideas submitted
  • Three questions posed
  • 50 participants during the in-person workshops.

There were some very clear directions across all forms of engagement that will be directly included into the developing Open Space Strategy. 

Key findings

You said the following are important to you:

  • Passive Recreation
  • Equity
  • Feeling Safe
  • Connection
  • Biodiversity
  • Diversity

The full 'visioning' engagement results are available on the MySay page