Graffiti removal

Report graffiti on your property
Graffiti in progress, call 000 to report .
If your property has been marked by graffiti, report it to the police or visit Crime Prevention Victoria for assistance.
Report graffiti on City of Ballarat property
The City of Ballarat removes graffiti on City of Ballarat assets, such as public toilets, skateparks, bus shelters and community facilities.
If you have found graffiti on City of Ballarat property, report it online by:
- Snap Send Solve app on your smartphone
- Log a customer service request online form via eServices
NEW Graffiti removal program
Do you want help to remove graffiti on your property?
The trial Graffiti Removal Program means that there are Graffiti removal kits now available from the City of Ballarat Customer Service. These kits will help to remove unwanted low level graffiti, including paint and tags, from private properties.
You are eligible to collect a kit if you are a:
- City of Ballarat Resident
- City of Ballarat Business
The graffiti removal kit includes:
- Supasafe Black Graffiti Remover
- Gloves
- Safety Glasses
- Brushes
- Instructions
- Graffiti Removal Chemicals – Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
To collect your graffiti removal kit go to:
City of Ballarat Customer Service
The Phoenix - 25 Armstrong Street South, Ballarat
Monday-Friday, 8.30am-5pm
Additional support for businesses and third parties
The City of Ballarat is exploring a range of measures to reduce graffiti, including strategic advertising on the walls of businesses.
Businesses and third parties, such as utility suppliers and transport providers (for example – power poles, railway and waterway infrastructure), can enter into an agreement that enables the City of Ballarat’s Graffiti Response Unit to clean up the vandalism.
To learn more please email: