Before applying for a planning permit
Determine if you need a planning permit, and if so, ensure you have all your information ready to lodge an application.

Quick Tasks
Do I need a permit?
There are a number of different factors that determine whether or not you need a planning permit. These include, but are not limited to:
- the types of works you want to do (renovations/a new house/two or more houses/a new cafe)
- where the property is located (what zone it's in)
- how big the property is
- whether the property is in an area that may possibly flood (is it in a land subject to inundation overlay?)
- whether your property is adjacent to a major road
- whether your property is in an area where heritage controls apply
- if you're wanting to run a business from home
- if you want to subdivide land.
If you want information confirmed in writing, you can apply for written advice.
Doing my homework
When turning your ideas into reality consider the following:
- Download a Planning Property Report to identify the planning requirements including the zone and any overlays
- Look at the Ballarat Planning Scheme to confirm if you need a planning permit
- Determine if your proposal is eligible for a fast-track process through VicSmart
- View our checklists to confirm the information you might need to provide with an application
- Check the Bushire Prone Areas map and understand the implications of building in bushfire prone areas.
- Prepare initial plans for your proposal
- Discuss plans with your neighbours
- Consider getting advice from a professional planning consultant. Note – Council cannot recommend a professional planning consultant.
- request a pre-application meeting with one of our planners
- Call 5320 5640 if you have any questions
When preparing to lodge your application:
- Order a copy of your Title from Landata
- Get your plans drawn up by a professional architect or draftsperson
- Create electronic versions of your paperwork as we prefer electronic lodgement
I want to seek pre-application advice
The purpose of a planning permit pre-application meeting is to discuss complex applications with planning officers before you submit your application.
Typically, pre-application meetings are reserved for larger-scale more complex applications. If you query relates to a smaller scale matter written advice, in the form of an email or letter response, can be issued.
For more information on the pre-application process, please see our Pre-Applications Page for details.
I want to seek written advice as to whether a planning permit is required
Request written advice when you need to clarify whether a planning permit is required for your project.
Before applying, you'll need to ensure you have the following information:
- an electronic version of your plans
- a copy of your title including any relevant covenants and agreements
- the cost is outlined in our fee schedule.
I want to request a copy of a planning permit or endorsed plans
To get copies of existing planning permits or endorsed plans, you'll need to apply. Before applying, you will need to have the following information:
- property address
- planning permit reference number
Planning fees
The cost of an application depends on what you're planning. The factors that influence your fee include:
- the type of permit (planning, subdivision, covenant removal)
- the cost of the development
- in some cases, the type of property (single dwelling or multi-dwelling)
A full list of planning related fees can be found in our fee schedule.