CEO's message for Spring 2024

Ballarat’s older residents have a lot to offer our community. With wisdom and expertise to share, and often more time to volunteer, care for grandchildren and contribute in other ways, our older community is worthy of celebration.

ourballarat magazine on display shelves in the visitor information centre

That’s why the month-long Seniors Festival is so important — not only does the festival provide us with an opportunity to celebrate our older residents, but it offers older residents opportunities to connect with community groups, services and each other to maintain active, social and healthy lifestyles.

As you’ll read in this edition of ourballarat, our city’s older residents are passionate, active contributors to our community. Whether through volunteering with community groups such as the University of the Third Age or building a positive, welcoming community through shared hobbies and activities, Ballarat’s older residents are proactively creating opportunities to age well together.

At the other end of the spectrum, you’ll also read about how a small group of Ballarat teenagers are organising Ballarat’s only popular culture convention PopCon, which attracts more than 2,000 people each year.

In this spring edition of ourballarat, we also celebrate the 170th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade, which not only profoundly shaped Ballarat and our region, but arguably also shaped democracy in our country.

As this edition of ourballarat testifies, there is so much happening across our growing community for everyone to participate in. I'm sure these articles will inspire you to get out and enjoy them. 

Evan King  
Chief Executive Officer