Street Cleaning

Did you know there are more than 280 bins located across our city?
Unfortunately, not all litter makes it to these bins. Loose litter is a major burden on our resources, with our staff and contractors spending more than 88,000 hours every year collecting stray litter.
This is not the only sort of street cleaning we undertake - our officers are on the streets daily cleaning kerbs and footpaths, maintaining our beautiful bluestone gutters and removing graffiti from Council-owned property.
How can I report a litterer?
You can report offenders to the Environmental Protection Authority.
How often do you operate street-cleaning sweepers?
Gutters and footpaths within the CBD are swept on a daily basis, while main city entrances are swept fortnightly.
Residential streets with formed kerb and channel are swept four times a year, and any industrial areas or hot spots are targeted on a regular basis.
Every year we sweep over 20,000km of footpaths and gutters.
How do you maintain the city's bluestone gutters?
We have more than 100km of bluestone guttering in our city, most if which needs to be cleaned manually.
If you find an issue with your bluestone gutter you can report it online.
What do I do when I find graffiti on Council-owned property?
Report graffiti online.
We have a graffiti removal team who will remove graffiti from Council property.
If your property is damaged by graffiti vandalism you should report this to Victoria Police. If you have any information regarding graffiti vandals you can report it to Crime Stoppers.