Planning help
Help, forms and checklists for your planning journey.

On this page
- Forms and checklists
- Policies and strategies
- Planning fees
- I want to seek written advice as to whether a planning permit is required
- I want to request a copy of a planning permit or endorsed plans
- I want to apply for a report and consent for a proposed demolition
- Owner/Manager responsibilities for plantations on private land
Forms and checklists
Do you have everything you need to apply for your Planning Permit? Make sure you have everything together by using one of our forms or checklists.
Planning application forms
Application for Planning Permit
Application for a VicSmart Planning Permit
Application to Amend a Planning Permit
Application for Amendment by Secondary Consent
Amendment to Planning Application
Extension of Time Request
Request To Endorse Plans Pursuant To Conditions Of Permit
Subdivision forms
Public Open Space Form
Bond and Fees Form
Discharging condition for 173 Agreement
Other forms
Application for Certificate of Compliance
Copy of Planning Permit and or Endorsed Documents
General planning permit application checklists
Checklist - Existing Use Rights
Checklist 1 - Construction and/or Extension of a Single Dwelling or Multi Dwellings on a Lot
Checklist 2 - Industrial
Checklist 3 - Business
Checklist 4 - Advertising Signage
Checklist 5 - Waiver of Car Parking
Checklist 6 - Subdivision
Checklist 7 - Applications for Works to Buildings in Heritage Areas
Checklist 8 - Applications for Demolition of a Building in a Heritage Area
Checklist 9 - Construction of a Water Tank
Checklist 10 - Vehicle Crossover in a Heritage Area
Checklist 11 - Solar Panels in a Heritage Area
Checklist 12 - Buildings & Works
Checklist 13 - Use of Land
Checklist 14 - Liquor Licence
Checklist 15 - Bushfire Management Overlay
Bushfire planning information
Checklist 16 - Applications within the Dowling Forest Precinct
Checklist 17 - Rural Subdivision
Checklist 18 - Rural Dwelling
Checklist 19 - Native Vegetation Removal
VicSmart permit application checklists
Checklist 1 - Realign a boundary between two lots
Checklist 2 - Subdivide land into lots each containing an existing building or car parking space
Checklist 3 - Subdivide land with an approved development into two lots
Checklist 4 - Construct a front fence in a residential zone
Checklist 5 - Construct a building or works in a Commercial, Industrial Zone or Mixed Use Zone
Checklist 6 - Construct a fence in an overlay
Checklist 7 - Remove, destroy or lop one tree
Checklist 8 - Minor subdivision, minor buildings and works, painting or tree lopping in a Heritage Overlay
Checklist 9 - Display a sign in a Commercial or Industrial Zone
Checklist 10 - Reduce a car parking requirement
Checklist 11 - Reduce or waive loading & unloading requirements
More Information
Please see our Pre-Applications Page for details.
Policies and strategies
Reference documents under the Ballarat Planning Scheme
- 7 Cuthberts Road Alfredton Development Plan with special conditions
- Activity Centres Strategy 2012 part 1
- Activity Centres Strategy 2012 part 2
- Advertising Sign Guidelines 2013
- Alfredton West Precinct Structure Plan - Part 1
- Alfredton West Precinct Structure Plan - Part 2
- Amendment to Insignia Ballarat Development Plan
- Avenue Hill Residential Subdivision Cardigan Environmental Management Plan Part 1
- Avenue Hill Residential Subdivision Cardigan Environmental Management Plan Part 2
- Avenue Hill Residential Subdivision Cardigan Environmental Management Plan Part 3
- Ballarat West Employment Zone Development Plan
- Ballarat West Employment Zone Urban Design and Landscape Guidelines
- Ballarat West Employment Zone Master Plan 2012 - Part A
- Ballarat West Employment Zone Master Plan 2012 - Part B
- Ballarat West Growth Area Plan 2009
- Ballarat West Precinct Structure Plan part 1
- Ballarat West Precinct Structure Plan part 2
- Ballarat West Precinct Structure Plan part 3
- Ballarat West Precinct Structure Plan part 4
- Ballarat West Precinct Structure Plan part 5
- Canadian Valley Outline Development Plan 2005
- Car Parking Strategy 2007
- Dowling Forest Precinct Master Plan 2011
- Dowling Forest Precinct Master Plan 2011 (implementation)
- FedUni Technology Park Stage 2 Development Plan
- Former Ballarat Orphanage Development Plan Part 1
- Former Ballarat Orphanage Development Plan Part 2
- Former Ballarat Orphanage Development Plan Part 3
- Gaming Policy Framework 2011
- Health Precinct Study 2006
- Heritage Assessments Sebastopol 2013 (updated 2016)
- Heritage Precinct Study Part A 2006 - Part 1
- Heritage Precinct Study Part A 2006 - Part 2
- Heritage Precinct Study Part A 2006 - Part 3
- Heritage Study Stage 2 2003
- Koala Plan of Management 2006 - Part 1
- Koala Plan of Management 2006 - Part 2
- Lot 1, Learmonth Street Alfredton Development Plan
- Making Ballarat Central - The CBD Strategy 2011
- Miners Rest Township Plan
- Open Space Strategy 2008 - Volume 1
- Open Space Strategy 2008 - Volume 2
- Outline Development Plan for Buninyong Township 1993
- Rural Land Use Strategy 2010
- Stone Park Estate Delacombe Proposed Estate Plan
- Today, Tomorrow, Together - The Ballarat Strategy 2015
- Urban Character Study 1999
- Woodmans Hill Precinct Master Plan 2015
Local Incorporated Documents under the Ballarat Planning Scheme
View Local Incorporated Documents on Planning Victoria website.
Other planning documents
Planning fees
There are a range of factors that determine how much you have to pay for a Planning Permit.
Calculating your fee
The cost of your application depends on what you’re doing. The key factors that influence your fee include:
- The type of permit (use, development, use and development, subdivision)
- The estimated cost of any development
- The type of proposal and/or property (VicSmart, single dwelling on a lot, multiple dwellings on a lot)
For a full list of Statutory Planning fees, view our fee schedule.
I want to seek written advice as to whether a planning permit is required
Request written advice when you need to clarify whether a planning permit is required for your project.
Before applying, you'll need to ensure you have the following information:
- An electronic version of your plans
- Copy of your title including any relevant covenants and agreements
I want to request a copy of a planning permit or endorsed plans
To get copies of existing planning permits or endorsed plans, you'll need to apply. Before applying, you will need to have the following information:
- Property address
- Planning permit reference number
Please note: Copies are made available for the purposes of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 only. The information provided must not be used for any other purpose. By taking a copy of a document you acknowledge and agree that you will only use the document for the purpose specified above and that any dissemination, distribution or copying of a document is strictly prohibited.
I want to apply for a report and consent for a proposed demolition
Do you need to progress your building permit application but your registered building surveyor first needs report and consent for demolition under Section 29A of the Building Act? You will need to apply for a 29A Report and Consent for Demolition.
When a Section 29A request is received, we’ll determine whether a planning permit is required for the demolition, and if so, if a planning permit has been issued. If a planning permit has been issued for the demolition or no planning permit is required to demolish, we’ll issue consent.
A Section 29A consent request will be refused if a planning permit is required for demolition and no planning permit has been issued for the proposed demolition, or if the demolition proposed under the request differs from that extent of demolition approved in the planning permit.
The City of Ballarat can't issue Section 29A consents:
- where City of Ballarat is not the responsible authority for the land
- where a planning permit has been issued by the Minister for Planning
- for permits issued for properties on the Victorian Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 1995.
Before proceeding, make sure you have the following information:
- Planning and Building Permit application reference numbers
- A full and current (no older than 30 days) copy of your Certificate of Title including the Plan of Subdivision and correct ownership details.
- A digital copy of your plans and any supporting documents
- Credit card details for payment of the application fee.
- The cost is outlined in our fee schedule
Owner/Manager responsibilities for plantations on private land
Whether you have an existing plantation or are thinking of establishing a new plantation, you need to be aware of your responsibilities.
Native timber harvesting in Victoria’s state forests will end by 1 January 2024. If you’re considering establishing a new plantation, or harvesting an existing plantation, here’s what you need to know.
In the Ballarat Planning Scheme, ‘Timber Production’ is a defined land use, and requires compliance with Clause 53.11 (Timber Production) of the Ballarat Planning Scheme.
Clause 53.11-2 requires compliance with the ‘Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014 (as amended 2022)’, known as ‘the Code’. Some zones require planning permits in addition to compliance with the Code. The Code regulates timber harvesting in State forests, private native forests and plantations. It outlines environmental standards for planning and conducting commercial timber harvesting.
Important values like biodiversity, recreation and cultural heritage are protected under the Code. Before establishing a plantation on private land, you must submit either a ‘Plantation Development Notice’ or a planning permit application to the City of Ballarat in accordance with section 4.1 of the Code.
Before harvesting a plantation on private land, you must submit a ‘Timber Harvesting Plan’ to the City of Ballarat in accordance with section 4.5 of the Code.
Blue gums are a popular plantation wood, and a favourite food and habitat for koalas. If you are considering establishing or harvesting a blue gum plantation, then koalas will likely be present and you are required to assess if they are present. For blue gum plantations, the Conservation Regulator requires owners and managers of blue gum plantations to hold an authorisation to disturb Koalas during plantation management operations, which would come in the form of a Koala Management Plan.
Templates for both ‘Plantation Development Notice’, and ‘Timber Harvesting Plan’ is available in DELWP’s ‘Management Guidelines for private native forests and plantations’.
A Koala Management Plan template and further information is available in the State Governments ‘Minimising impacts to Koalas in blue gum plantations – Regulatory Guide’.
For more information, please contact the City of Ballarat on 5320 5500.