Ballarat Events Strategy 2018-2028
Ballarat's events capture the interest of our community and attract a range of visitors. Our city has some of Australia’s most significant heritage locations and natural landscapes while helps events promote Ballarat to the world. Ballarat's event program is an authentic, bold and dynamic statement of the City’s aspirations.

The Ballarat Events Strategy 2018-2028 is a guide for Ballarat’s event program.
The strategy aims to help attract events which:
- increase tourism visitation;
- support Ballarat’s liveability and build community pride;
- contribute to building the city’s perception, improving Ballarat’s competitive strengths and unique qualities.
The strategy is a practical guide to help the direction of current events, bring in new events, and provide a reason for stopping our investment in others. It will help make sure events are optimised and follow our strategies and priorities.
The strategy acknowledges the strengths of our current events program and its importance to our community. It also describes how events will help us and our community deliver creative events, balance our events throughout the year, and attract a more diverse audience.