Burning off

Fire restrictions
Ballarat's 2024/25 Fire Danger Period begins Monday, 25 November at 1am
The Country Fire Authority (CFA) declares Fire Danger Periods and Total Fire Bans. Confirm restrictions by visiting CFA warning and restrictions.
See what you can and can't do during the Fire Danger Period.
Burning off outside the Fire Danger Period
You need a permit to burn material in Ballarat outside of the fire danger period.
Go to eservices to apply for a permit to burn
If you have a green waste collection, you will not be able to burn off.
Burning commercial or industrial waste is not permitted.
Read how to burn off safely for details.
Can I burn-off inside a Fire Danger Period?
Permits to Burn cannot be issued during Fire Danger Periods unless it is for broad-acre burning of stubble and grass for farming purposes.
Contact Ballarat’s Fire Prevention Officer for more information on 5320 5500.
View the fire permits Victoria website site for more information.