ourballarat magazine consultation results

Last year, the team behind ourballarat asked you, our readers, what you wanted out of the ourballarat magazine.

feedback postcard that was mailed out

Your feedback

Through the consultation process, which took place via return-address postcards and an online MySay survey, you told us:

  • Most respondents want the ourballarat magazine to continue in a printed format, however, you’d like us to improve our online offering.
  • You want to read more stories about events and things to do, plans for the future, and outcomes of consultation.
  • You want to see a combination of feature-style stories and shorter, bite-sized content.
  • You like the current length of the magazine and the quarterly distribution schedule. 

Implementing your feedback

Here’s how the ourballarat team is implementing your feedback:

  • The team is currently exploring how we can improve the magazine’s online presence and offering.
  • We have dedicated a section of the magazine to upcoming events and things to do in Ballarat.
  • We are including some consultation results in the ourballarat magazine — beginning this edition with the ourballarat magazine consultation report.
  • We are experimenting with mixing up the feature-style stories with some more bite-sized pieces of content.

View the Community Engagement Evaluation – ourballarat engagement 2023/24