Aged Care Reforms
The aged care reforms will put older Australians first, improving quality, safety and choice in aged care

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Support at Home
The new Support at Home program to be rolled out in 2 stages. From 1 July 2025, the new aged care Support at Home program will replace the existing Home Care Packages Program and Short-Term Restorative Care Programme. The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) will transition no earlier than 1 July 2027. The Australian Government is committed to delivering reforms to in-home aged care. The reforms will serve the needs of all older people in Australia now and into the future.
Ageing and Aged Care Engagement Hub
There are a range of ways you can be involved in the reforms, including surveys, webinars, online workshops, consultation papers and face-to-face events.
Find out how you can get involved on the Australian Government Website.
For further information regarding the upcoming aged care reforms you can explore the online resources or call My Aged Care’s free call phone line on 1800 200 422
City of Ballarat Community Connectors are also available to discuss the upcoming reforms and can be contacted in person at the Phoenix Building Armstrong Street South, by phone on 5320 5670 or email by