Ballarat. Now and Into the Future: Enabling Growth 2025

Ahead of the upcoming federal election, Ballarat. Now and Into the Future - Enabling Growth 2025 is calling on all sides of politics to support eight transformational projects for our city and region.
Ballarat has a clear vision for how it will grow – evolving as a university city, a hub for tourism, a sustainable city with an unparalleled quality of life, one which attracts investment, supports business, facilitates regional economic growth, and welcomes new residents, students and visitors.
Ballarat. Now and Into the Future - Enabling Growth 2025 is supported by nine Ballarat organisations representing our education, tourism, local government, business and essential services sectors. Together, we are seeking state and federal government funding for these growth enabling and economy building projects.
Projects: Enabling Community
Essential community facilities for Ballarat's growing population.
Eastwood Community Hub (FUNDED)
Project cost: $17.8 million
Project highlights:
- A new multipurpose community hub in central Ballarat
- Includes demolition of the current Eastwood Leisure Complex, excluding basketball stadium that will be re-clad
- Improved facilities for current and future user groups, including main hall with capacity for 275 people
View or download project page: Eastwood Community Hub
Wendouree Library and Learning Centre
Project cost: $23 million
Project highlights:
- A safe, welcoming facility including library, Parent Place services and maker space
- Will replace the present small library at Stockland Wendouree which has no capacity to expand
- Will service more than 18,000 residents in future Northern Growth Area
View or download project page: Wendouree Library and Learning Centre
Projects: Enabling Infrastructure
Key road, drainage, water and sewer infrastructure to unlock new housing and improve transport connections.
Ballarat West Growth Area Housing and Growth - Enabling Infrastructure
Project cost: $13.27 million
Project highlights:
- Package of seven projects to help fast track 8,800 new homes in Ballarat West Growth Area
- Includes projects to enable or deliver key road, water, and sewer and community infrastructure
- Will support local construction jobs and business
View or download project page: Ballarat West Growth Area Housing and Growth - Enabling Infrastructure
Duplication of Dyson Drive
Project cost: $88.3 million
Project highlights:
- Improve connections and reduce travel times in Lucas and Alfredton
- Create next stage of Ballarat Link Road
- Drive economic and residential growth and support jobs in the Ballarat West Growth Area
View or download project page: Duplication of Dyson Drive
Projects: Enabling Regional Investment
Transformational, regionally significant projects leading to job creation, increased investment, greater sustainability, better transport options.
Circular Economy Precinct: Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)
Project cost: $37.1 million
Project highlights:
- The MRF will have capacity to sort 30,000 tonnes recyclables each year
- The MRF will provide local opportunities for commercial and industrial waste sorting and recycling
- The precinct and MRF will ensure value of recyclables is retained and enhanced locally
View or download project page: Circular Economy Precinct: Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)
Western Victoria Aviation Precinct Ballarat
Project cost: $15 million
Project highlights:
- Includes upgrades to Ballarat Airport main runway and terminal building
- Terminal upgrade will improve facilities for aeromedical flight services for the region
- Runway upgrade will create air freight capability for high value and express parcels
View or download project page: Western Victoria Aviation Precinct Ballarat
Projects: Enabling Workforce and Economic Growth
Major projects to build on Ballarat's strengths in higher education and tourism, grow the economy, jobs and skills.
Ballarat Co-Operative Education and Skills City Centre
Project cost: $48 million
Project highlights:
- Modernising Camp Street Campus buildings into multipurpose education, culture and community facilities
- Centralise Federation University teaching with TAFE in Ballarat's CBD, fostering stronger education industry ties
- Inject $15.6 million into the economy during construction and create 1,762 jobs
View or download project page: Ballarat Co-Operative Education and Skills City Centre
Sovereign Hill Master Plan: Gold Vault
Project cost: $17.9 million
Project highlights:
- The new hero visitor experience planned for Sovereign Hill
- It will attract up to 100,000 visitors per year
- The Gold Vault will create between 124 and 168 full time equivalent and indirect jobs in construction
View or download project page: Sovereign Hill Master Plan: Gold Vault
Preparing for Growth: A strategic approach
Multiple plans and strategies are in place to help ensure Ballarat is ready for future growth:
- *Housing Strategy 2041
- *Neighbourhood Character Study
- *Growth Areas Framework Plan - Western and North Western Growth Areas
- Recreation Infrastructure Plan 2024-2039
- Community Infrastructure Plan 2022-2037
- 2024-2033 Sustainable Destination Management Plan
Other strategies are currently in development. The plans are evidenced-based and guided by extensive consultation with the community and key stakeholders.
- Draft Open Space Strategy
- Draft Industrial Land Strategy
*Plans were adopted by City of Ballarat Council in August 2024. City of Ballarat is seeking authorisation from the Minister for Planning to exhibit a planning scheme amendment to formalise these plans.