Mayors Message Thursday 4 November 2021
On Monday it was with great pride that I was elected for a further year as Mayor of Ballarat. This is both an honour and a responsibility that I see as an absolute privilege. I thank my fellow Councillors for their confidence in me and see my reappointment as a reflection of the tremendous team effort Council has contributed over my previous term.
I would also like to congratulate Councillor Amy Johnson on her re-election as Deputy Mayor and look forward to continuing our representation together for the City of Ballarat.
As a mayor there are many challenges, and particularly as we go forward through a period of rapid growth there are difficult decisions that must be made. However, the Council has come to recognise the importance of community consultation in decision making and I will continue to encourage everyone to actively participate with Council in influencing decisions that are in their interest.
I see a year ahead of continuing to build and strengthen relationships, providing an open door to public input, and together finding the best path forward for our city.
We have a strong Council Plan for 2021-2025, with strategic goals that we want everyone to recognise the value in and own. With everyone rowing in the same direction we will continue to build opportunity and make Ballarat one of the most desirable and liveable cities in Australia.
I am committed to helping local business, finding funding for infrastructure needs, ensuring our health and childcare is there to support both our young, elderly and vulnerable and to continue to improve our services and achieve key projects.
It’s been a tough year, we all know that, but it’s one where the City of Ballarat has excelled. We’ve not only stabilised but I believe we have risen to the next level of quality service provision for our community and I am looking forward to once again representing the people of Ballarat in continuing this momentum.
Cr Daniel Moloney
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