Ballarat Harmony Fest

image of ladies performing and traditional clothing

Ballarat's largest intercultural celebration

Join us during Harmony Fest 2025 in Ballarat from Friday 14 March - Thursday 27 March 2025, to celebrate our culturally diverse community and their contributions to society. 

In March 2025, Victoria will come together for Cultural Diversity Week, and celebrate the power, influence, and stories of Victoria's rich multicultural communities. The 2025 Cultural Diversity Week theme invites us to weave a tapestry of vibrant experiences with "Everyone belongs."

Harmony Day Celebration

image of the ballarat harmony fest flag, flying on a blue sky

Join us for the Harmony Day Celebrations, at the Intercultural Garden, followed by a morning tea.

All Welcome. 


Harmony in the Mall

Image of ladies performing at last years celebrations at the lake

A free community event, with music, dance, and activities for families and everyone at the Bridge Mall. (The above image is from last years celebrations)

About Harmony Fest

Since it was launched in 2010, Harmony Fest has become the City of Ballarat’s vibrant celebration of diversity.

Harmony Fest wraps around Harmony Day, the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which is celebrated on 21 March. The day encourages Australians to come together to reflect on and celebrate the many cultures that create our great nation.

Learn more about National Harmony Week