Harmony in Ballarat

Following a groundswell of support from local intercultural groups, the City of Ballarat’s annual Harmony Fest is growing into a significant calendar of events. The festival provides the whole community with opportunities to learn about and celebrate Ballarat’s cultural diversity.

Former Victorian Multicultural Commissioner Shankar Kasynathan speaking to crowds at Harmony Day flag raising event last year

The City of Ballarat’s intercultural population is growing, as is its annual celebration of its intercultural community — Harmony Fest.

What began as a one-day event has since grown to a 10-day festival held over two weeks. The festival calendar will feature more than 20 events. Everything from Tai Chi classes to Indian food nights will be on offer for the whole community to try something new and immerse themselves in another culture.

The popular Harmony by the Lake family concert, which was a highlight of last year’s Harmony Fest, will be held at a new location this year — View Point, from 12pm on Sunday 24 March.

City of Ballarat Intercultural Partnerships Officer John Drennan says the growth of the celebration was driven largely by local intercultural groups.

“We’ve had different community groups come to us wanting to host events,” he says.

“These groups love being a part of the community here in Ballarat, and sharing the unique traditions of their own culture." 

Key Harmony Fest events:

  • Harmony Day Flag Raising Ceremony 
    Thursday 21 March
  • Harmony by the Lake 
    Sunday 24 March 

For more information go to the Ballarat Harmony Fest page.