Public CCTV

The program
The Public Place CCTV camera program helps Victoria Police to respond to incidents in the CBD. The program aims to provide a safer environment and improve perceptions of safety by deterring potential offenders and helping police with crime detection.
Where are the cameras?
88 CCTV cameras have been installed in the CBD, Wendouree West Recreation Reserve and the White Flat Recreation Reserve. These are linked to a control room at the police station.
What happens to the footage?
Images are recorded 24 hours a day and saved for 28 days. Police can then refer to real-time images to respond to incidents. Downloading of footage is restricted to Victoria Police members who have approved access to the CCTV Control Room.
Footage from the stand-alone cameras at Wendouree West is downloaded by a City of Ballarat officer only when a report is made of anti-social behaviour or property damage at the site. Access to the footage is password protected and provided to Victoria Police to assist in their investigations. The system is governed by protocols and procedural arrangements to safeguard the integrity and accountability of the program.
Audit, Evaluation and Review
The City of Ballarat's Public Place CCTV Audit Committee meets annually.
In addition to the annual audit review process, an independent governance audit of the City of Ballarat's CCTV documentation was conducted in 2016, with minor amendments being undertaken to the MoU with Victoria Police and the Standard Operating Procedures.
An infrastructure audit was undertaken in 2016 to determine the lifespan of the CCTV cameras and capacity for future camera deployment.
Code of practice
The Code of Practice sets out the procedural arrangements to be adhered to in regard to the Public Place CCTV system and stand-alone cameras.
Enquiries and complaints
Call our Customer Service team on 5320 5500 to make an enquiry or complaint.