Relief and Recovery

The aim of relief and recovery is to support communities to successfully deal with the impacts of an emergency on the social, built, economic and natural environments. By doing so, communities help build cohesion and resilience to future emergencies.

People handing out cardboard boxes from a truck after a disaster

City of Ballarat’s role in Emergencies

  • Implement state-initiated preventative strategies, such as planning and building codes, planning for floods, health risk and fire management;
  • Undertake local risk management and emergency planning;
  • Develop and implement community education and awareness programs, involving the community in emergency management planning;
  • Incorporate risk reduction strategies into local safety programs;
  • Provide services to support persons in need;
  • Provide equipment support to emergency services agencies;
  • Manage community recovery programs, policies and strategies; and
  • Manage community needs in all emergency management processes;

To achieve this, the City of Ballarat has appointed a Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee.

Relief Centres

The City of Ballarat has several pre-determined Emergency Relief Centres locations that can be used during an emergency. Activation of an Emergency Relief Centre is made by the controlling agency in conjunction with Victoria Police and Council.

An Emergency Relief Centre is a location that community members can evacuate to during an emergency for the protection of life.