Baarlinjaan directory
The Baarlinjaan Community Directory is currently in review. The Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee and the Koorie Engagement Action Group will share the updated version very soon. If you have any updates to this directory please contact:

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About the directory
The Grampians Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) together with the Koorie Engagement Action Group (KEAG) and the Local Aboriginal Network (LAN) has developed this guide for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders families with contact details and information on relevant resources in the Ballarat region, including:
- Aboriginal organisations
- Education and training
- Health
- Justice and legal
- Accommodation
- Culture and land management
- Local government
About the artwork
All original artwork has been created by Auntie Diana Nikkelson.
We acknowledge the Wadawurrung people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and pay our respects to Elders both past and present.
We also acknowledge the families and individuals that descend from other communities and areas of Australia who are currently residing on the land of the Wadawurrung people.
The Aboriginal Flag
The Aboriginal Flag was designed by Harold Thomas, a Luritja man from Central Australia. It was created as a symbol of unity and national identity for Aboriginal people during the land rights movement of the early 1970s. The flag was chosen as the official flag for the Aboriginal Tent Embassy and was first flown there in 1972.
In 1995, the Australian Government proclaimed the flag as an official Flag of Australia under Section 5 of the Flags Act 1953.
Symbolic meaning
The symbolic meanings of the flag colours:
- Black represents the Aboriginal people of Australia
- Yellow represents the sun, the giver of life and protector
- Red represents the earth, the red ochre and the spiritual relation to the land
The Torres Strait Islander Flag
The Torres Strait Islander Flag was created as a symbol of unity and identity for Torres Strait Islander peoples, designed by the late Bernard Namok from Thursday Island. The flag was recognised by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission in June 1992 and given equal prominence with the Aboriginal flag.
In July 1995, it was recognised by the Australian Government as an official Flag of Australia under the Flags Act 1953.
Symbolic meaning
The symbolic meanings of the flag colours:
- Green represents the land
- Blue represents the sea
- The White dhari (dancer’s headdress) represents Torres Strait Islander culture. The white five-pointed star is an important symbol for navigating the sea. The points of the star represent the five island groups in the Torres Strait and the white symbolises peace.
- Black represents the people
Aboriginal organisations
Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co-operative (BADAC)
5 Market Street, Ballarat
5331 5344
- Baarlijan Medical Clinic
- Stolen Generations - Bringing them Home
- Koori Youth Justice Worker program
- Local Justice Worker program
- Home and Community Care (HACC)
- Aboriginal Family Decision Making (AFDM)
- Koori family services
- Kinship care
- Integrated family services
- Housing and emergency housing
- Junior youth group
- Koori playgroup
- Koori pre-school assistants
Koori Services Hub
430 Main Road, Ballarat
4308 0781
- Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd (VACSAL)
- Victorian Aboriginal Legal Services (VALS)
- Lakidjeka program
- Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc. (VAEAI)
- Aboriginal Housing Victoria
Education and training
Department of Education and Training (DET)
109 Armstrong Street North, Ballarat
5337 8444
- Koori Education Coordinator (KEC)
- Koori engagement support officers (KESO)
Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc. (VAEAI)
403 Main Road, Ballarat
4308 0780
0438 509 153
- Wurreker Broker
Catholic Education
5 Lyons Street South, Ballarat
5337 7108
- Education office - Indigenous education
St Patrick's College
1431 Sturt Street, Ballarat
5331 1688
- Indigenous education manager
Loreto College
1600 Sturt Street, Ballarat
5329 6100
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education worker
St Alipius Parish School
106-108 Victoria Street, Ballarat
5331 1816
- Koori educator
Aboriginal Education Centre
Federation University Australia
TAFE and higher education
University Drive, Mount Helen
Baarlijan Medical Clinic (BADAC)
5 Market Street, Ballarat
5331 5344
- General practice
- Chronic disease plans and management
- Preventative health
- Maternal and child health
- Women's health
- Emotional wellbeing
- Alcohol and other drugs
- Allied health
- Exercise physiologist
- Massage therapist
- Podiatry
Ballarat Health Services (BHS)
Drummond Street North, Ballarat
5320 4000
0421 898 906
- Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officer
- Aboriginal Care Coordinator
Ballarat Health Services (BHS)
Mental Health
Drummond Street North, Ballarat
5333 1637
0478 317 891
- Koorie Mental Health Liaison Officer
Ballarat Community Health (BCH)
12 Lilburne Street, Lucas
5338 4500
- Aboriginal HACC Development Officer
Justice and legal
Ballarat Police Station
20 Dana Street, Ballarat
5336 6000
- Police Aboriginal Liaison Officer
North Ballarat Police Station (non-24 hours)
734 Norman Street, Ballarat
5331 2816
- Police Aboriginal Liaison Officer
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Services (VALS)
403 Main Road, Ballarat
0400 118 392
- Client Services Officer
Victoria Legal Aid (VLA)
Area A, Level 1, 75 Victoria Street, Ballarat
5329 6222
Department of Justice and Regulation (Grampians region)
206 Mair Street, Ballarat
4301 7000
- Grampians RAJAC
- Sheriff's Office
- Community Corrections
- Births, Deaths and Marriages
- Consumer Affairs Victoria
- Dispute Settlement Centre
Grampians Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC)
206 Mair Street, Ballarat
4301 7012
0408 574 679
- Executive Officer
Sheriff's Office
206 Mair Street, Ballarat
4301 7000
- Sheriff Aboriginal Liaison Officer
Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co-operative (BADAC)
5 Market Street, Ballarat
5331 5344
0484 379 167
- Local justice worker
- Youth justice worker
Aboriginal Community Justice Panel
0499 526 448
Aboriginal Housing Victoria
403 Main Road, Ballarat
5331 6518
- Aboriginal Housing Officer
Child and Family Services (CAFS)
115 Lydiard Street North, Ballarat
5337 3333
Ballarat Uniting Care
105 Dana Street, Ballarat
5332 1286
Supported accommodation for men
4 Webster Street, Ballarat
5332 4466
The Salvation Army (Karinya)
6 Crompton Street, Ballarat
5329 1100
Community House: 5329 1101
Culture and land management
Wadawurrung Aboriginal Corporation
99 Mair Street East, Ballarat
4308 0420
0421 158 944
- RAP Manager
- Project officer
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
402 Mair Street, Ballarat
5336 6856
- Indigenous Partnerships Facilitator
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
111 Armstrong Street North, Ballarat
5327 2819
- Manager, Aboriginal Heritage Protection
- Cultural Heritage Officer
Local government
Koorie Engagement Action Group (KEAG)
PO Box 655
Ballarat 3353
5320 5831
0438 205 620
- Cultural partnerships officer
- Youth engagement officer
- Place names officer
State government
Department of Premier and Cabinet Aboriginal Victoria
111 Armstrong Street North, Ballarat
5327 2819
0400 168 668
- Aboriginal Community Development Broker (LAN)
Department of Health and Human Services
State Government Offices
Corner Mair and Doveton Streets, Ballarat
5333 6530
Ballarat office
35 Armstrong Street, Ballarat South
5333 6530
- Grampians Indigenous Family Violence Regional Action Group (GIFVRAG)
- Regional Aboriginal Health Officer
- Branch Administrator, Central Highlands Area (employment queries)
- Disabilty information and support: 1800 783 783
- Housing: Bond Assistance and Public Housing
- Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme
- Child protection intake: 1800 075 599
Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd (VACSAL)
403 Main Road, Ballarat
4308 0781
- Aboriginal community services officer
- Project officer
Thanks to
This directory was put together with help from the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement and Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Limited.