Other Programs and Partnerships
Along with the major sustainability initiatives, City of Ballarat has implemented the following environmentally sustainable programs and partnerships:
- Developing a network of bike paths to facilitate environmentally friendly, healthier local transport options as part of the Ballarat Integrated Transport Action Plan
- Engaging with local community groups through Regional Sustainability Alliance Ballarat - a network of organisations from the public, private and nonprofit spheres that is taking a leading role in moving the region towards sustainability.
Partnering with Councils from across Victoria to investigate achieving higher sustainable design (ESD) standards through local and state planning mechanisms.
A tree planting program to provide habitat, reduce greenhouse gases, flood mitigation, and shelter.
Sponsorship of Smart Living Ballarat that supports community awareness and capacity building activities relating to sustainable living.
Commencing roll into 100% renewable energy as part of the Victorian Energy Collaboration (VECO) to power all Council assets.
City of Ballarat is also in the process of developing the following environmentally sustainable initiatives:
Developing a Kerbside Transition Plan, in accordance with state government guidelines, to provide a more efficient and consistent kerbside collection system across Victoria
Partnering to develop a net zero emissions plan for the municipality, with the consideration of a 2030 aspirational target, for collaborative implementation by community.
Working in partnership with the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance (CVGA) and others to investigate the potential to transition Council fleets to low/no emission vehicles.
Analysis of sustainable opportunities (e.g. carbon reduction, procurement of recycled content) in Council capital works programs
Natural resource management enhancement/community collaboration on biodiversity strategy and policy development
Progressing with concept development and business case for alternative, fit-for-purpose, water use schemes outlined in the Integrated Water Management Plan for Ballarat.
Sustainable procurement – currently reviewing mechanisms to embed sustainability in Council procurement policy and day-to-day practice.