Welcoming Victorian Government funding for Alfredton (Ballymanus) Community and Early Years Hub
The City of Ballarat has welcomed the announcement of $2.25 million in Victorian Government funding to help meet the cost of a new community and early years hub at Alfredton (Ballymanus).
City of Ballarat Mayor, Cr Daniel Moloney said the $2.25 million Building Blocks capacity building stream grant will mean the centre can be delivered sooner to meet high demand for kindergarten places and community facilities in the rapidly growing area.
“Financial support for this project will mean we can begin the detailed design phase of the project, with an ambition to have the hub ready for residents to use in 2024," he said.
“The need for a community and early years hub in this location was identified as part of our planning (Ballarat West Precinct Structure Plan 2016) for the new Western Growth Area.
“Rapid growth in the west, combined with the Victorian Government’s requirement that by 2029 all three year old children should have access to 15 hours of kinder a week, means there is a pressing need for the new kinder places this hub will deliver.”
The City of Ballarat has $4.68million in Developer Contributions* earmarked for the new community and early years hub. The City of Ballarat will fund the balance of the cost over the next two budget cycles.
The new community facility in Donegal Drive Alfredton will include community meeting rooms and an early years hub with a three-room kindergarten.
Cr Moloney said the City of Ballarat had already delivered similar community facilities at Lucas and Bonshaw and is planning for more new community facilities at Delacombe Town Centre and Winter Valley.
“We are hoping there are opportunities to partner with government to deliver those facilities also” he said.
* The Ballarat West Development Contributions Plan (DCP) contributes funds towards the delivery of essential infrastructure to new communities in the Ballarat West PSP Area. DCP funds are paid by developers when they subdivide land to pay for major projects, including those such as the Alfredton (Ballymanus) Community Hub.
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