State Government announces funding for Art Gallery of Ballarat Master Plan

A woman in a red jacket and two men stand in front of a black and white geometrical artwork.

Member for Wendouree Juliana Addison, City of Ballarat Mayor Cr Des Hudson, Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Steve Dimopoulos at the Art Gallery of Ballarat.

The Art Gallery of Ballarat is set to develop a Master Plan that will bolster its position as a leading Australian regional gallery.

Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events Steve Dimopoulos announced on Friday the Art Gallery of Ballarat will receive $388,850 for a Masterplan, which will help the Gallery fulfil its potential as a must-see arts and culture destination.

The City of Ballarat will also contribute $100,000 towards the Master Plan delivery.

The Art Gallery of Ballarat Master Plan will deliver a comprehensive review of the current building and a proposal for upgrades to become a world-class arts and culture facility for the delivery of major exhibitions, programming and visitor experience.

Enhanced infrastructure and facilities are expected to drive visitation of more than 200,000 people annually. Of this figure, an anticipated 50,000 people per blockbuster exhibition would add an additional estimated economic impact of $13 million and create 106 local jobs.

The Master Plan will also identify opportunities for expansion into additional sites, including the exploration of major open storage development opportunities, which will address storage and exhibition constraints.

City of Ballarat Mayor Cr Des Hudson said the Art Gallery of Ballarat Master Plan would help the Gallery fulfil its vision of becoming the leading regional gallery in Australia.

“The Art Gallery of Ballarat Master Plan will ensure the City of Ballarat can continue to build the Gallery’s significance as an art institution, and as a critical economic and tourism generator for Ballarat and the broader region,” he said.

“It will allow the Gallery to present blockbuster exhibitions and experiences that appeal to a broad range of audiences, and complement the broader growing hospitality and attractions sectors in the city.

“We are thankful to the State Government for their investment in this project and are very proud to help deliver it for the Ballarat community.”

Art Gallery of Ballarat Director Louise Tegart said it was a privilege to deliver engaging exhibitions and public programs to more than 150,000 local, interstate and international visitors to the Art Gallery of Ballarat each year.

“This funding allows us to develop a comprehensive and holistic masterplan, deliver exceptional visitor experiences and set new cultural tourism standards.”

“Today’s news helps us to begin planning to achieve our ambitious goals. We thank the State Government along with the City of Ballarat for investing in the Art Gallery of Ballarat and look forward to an exciting evolution.”  

The Art Gallery of Ballarat (AGB) is the oldest purpose-built gallery in Australia. It holds the largest collection of Australian art in regional Australia and the fifth most significant collection in the country.

For information about the Art Gallery of Ballarat’s current exhibitions, visit the Art Gallery of Ballarat website