Public Notices Thursday 25 February

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Tender documents can be obtained from or by contacting City of Ballarat Customer Service Centre on 5320 5500. 

Tender No 

Tender Description 

12 noon  


Panel of Approved Suppliers for provision of Concrete Services 



Reconstruction Leith Street (Ripon Street to Talbot Street), Redan 



QUOTE – Irrigation works in Sturt Street (between Pleasant Street and Durham Street), Ballarat Central 



Reconstruction of Coghills Creek Road, Glendaurel and Orchard Lane, Brown Hill 



Car parking shoulder upgrades within Soldiers Hill 



Armstrong Street South – temporary road closure  

As part of this year’s Ballarat Begonia Festival, the City of Ballarat will be hosting a pop-up Gardener’s Market in the heart of the city, located in Armstrong Street South, between the Town Hall and Myer.  

Armstrong Street South from Sturt Street to the rear of the Town Hall will be temporarily closed for the market, plus set up and removal times from 6 am to 9 pm on Saturday 6 March.  

Access into Bath Lane and the car park at the rear of the Town Hall will be maintained, coming from the Dana Street direction.  


Clean Up Australia Day 

The City of Ballarat is a proud supporter of Clean Up Australia Day 2021, to be held on 7 March. Ballarat needs your help to free the town from any rubbish in the environment. City of Ballarat encourages schools, youth groups and the community to take part in the great event and help Clean Up Australia.” 

Schools Clean Up Day - Friday 5th March   
Clean Up Australia Day - Sunday 7th March 

Please note City of Ballarat does not support Business Clean Up Sites. 

You can register or join a cleanup location at . Each site leader will receive a safety kit to comply with current restrictions. 


Road Management Act 2004  

Proposed Amendment of Road Management Plan  

In accordance with section 54(6) of the Road Management Act 2004, and regulation 10(1) of the Road Management (General) Regulations 2016, The City of Ballarat (Council) gives notice that it proposes to amend its Road Management Plan (RMP).  

The purpose of the proposed amendments is to incorporate into the RMP the suggested improvements identified in Council’s written review report which summarises the findings and conclusions of the review of Council’s current RMP V6) 2019.  

This includes:  

  • Changes to standards for inspection, maintenance and repair, including inspection frequencies, and response times. 

The amendments will ensure that the standards and priorities to be given to the construction, inspection, maintenance and repair of the roads to which Council’s RMP applies are safe and efficient. These amendments have taken into account  the needs, priorities and expectations of the  Community, relevant policies and available funding and resources.  

The amendments apply to all of the roads and classes of roads in the Municipality for which Council is the responsible road authority under the Act.  

A copy of the proposed amended RMP and the review report may be obtained or inspected at Council Offices, 25 Armstrong St Sth, Ballarat, or accessed on

Any person interested in the proposed amendments may make a submission on the proposed amendments to Council by close of business on Thursday 1 April 2021.  

Submissions must be in writing, marked as “Proposed Amendment to Road Management Plan” and be addressed to: Safety, Risk and Compliance Services, City of Ballarat, PO Box 655 Ballarat 3353; or by email to  

A person who has made a submission and requested that they be heard in support of their submission is entitled to appear in person, or be represented by a person acting on their behalf, before a meeting of the Council in accordance with section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989, the day, time and place of which will be advised.  

Any enquiries about the proposed amendments can be directed to Cameron Montgomery, Executive Manager Governance and Risk, on (03) 5320 5503.  

Evan King 

Chief Executive Officer