Public Notices Thursday 13 May 2021

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Tender documents can be obtained from or by contacting City of Ballarat Customer Service Centre on 5320 5500. 

Tender No 

Tender Description 

12 noon  


Installation of traffic signals in Nolan Street, Ballarat Central 



Line marking services 



Installation of dust suppressant on nominated roads 



Ballarat Civic Hall Upgrade – Temporary Closure   May 4 – 22 July 2021         

The Ballarat Civic Hall is currently undergoing capital works which require it to be temporarily closed as part of the stage 2 upgrade being undertaken by Council. 

Following this brief closure, the Ballarat Civic Hall will continue to run events throughout the remaining works period.   

This project will help realise planned functional upgrades to the Ballarat Civic Hall to better meet the needs and requirements of touring and local, professional, commercial and not for profit hires.   

The works include a new  equipped commercial kitchen, power upgrade, stage access lift, furnishings, stage infrastructure, signage, and paging systems.   


Have Your Say – Community Infrastructure Plan 

The City of Ballarat is in the process of developing a Community Infrastructure Plan.  

As part of the development of the Community Infrastructure Plan we are gathering a range of information about existing facilities (including their fitness for purpose, location, user groups and utilisation), and the service needs that our growing and changing population will have in the future, to ensure we plan for the delivery of infrastructure that will be required to meet those needs.  

This month we’re seeking the views of community facility managers and tenants. To have your say, and for more information about the development of the Community Infrastructure Plan, log on to by this Sunday 16 May. 


Expressions of Interest

Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee (MEMPC)  

  The City of Ballarat is looking for extraordinary community members to help with planning and preparation for   future emergencies in our community.  

We are looking for local people with specialist knowledge and/or experience in the following areas:  

• Community Groups  

• Industry/Production  

• Business/Retail  

• Agriculture/Viticulture  

• Education/School Camps  

• Youth – young leader/s (16 years +), to help provide a “youth” viewpoint  


The successful nominees will help to facilitate the prevention, preparedness, response and recovery from   emergencies that may occur in the municipality.    

They will also play a key role in the development and maintenance of the Municipal Emergency Management   Plan.  

The position is for a fixed term period of two years.  

  • Demonstrated experience in community engagement/involvement  

  • Understanding of municipal emergency management framework  

  • Understanding of the current and future risk profile of the Ballarat area  

  • The ability to access networks and stakeholder groups within the community  

  • Experience and involvement in community-based committees.  


Expressions of interest can be submitted via the following link -  

Expressions of interest close at midnight on Friday 14th May 2021.   

If you have questions about this role contact Municipal Emergency Manager, at