Planning Delegated Committee Meeting November 2023
At the monthly Planning Delegated Committee Meeting on Wednesday 8 November, Ballarat City Council considered the following items.
Ballarat Planning Scheme Amendment – Application PLP/2022/943
The application before Council was to determine whether to grant a planning permit for the development of a commercial building in accordance with the Ballarat Planning Scheme at 222 Mair Street, Ballarat Central, which includes the demolition of existing car park and associated structures.
The site is currently used as a private car parking area, with space for 12 cars.
The original application was first advertised in April 2023, with five submissions received during this process.
The proposal was subsequently amended on 15 August 2023 to address heritage and urban design feedback raised with the applicant.
The amended application was readvertised on 14 September 2023. No previous objections were withdrawn and a further four objections were received.
Upon considering the submissions and the amended plans, Council determined to issue a Notice of Decision to grant a Planning Permit.
Ballarat Design Review Panel
A further two-year extension was granted for the Ballarat Design Review Panel at last night’s Planning Delegated Committee meeting.
The Ballarat Design Review Panel was formally established at the 15 December 2021 meeting of Council.
The panel is to ‘peer review’ design proposals through discussion and debate about the different ways to improve design outcomes. It is a process widely used in Australia and internationally.
Since its establishment, the Design Review Panel has completed 13 design reviews.
The design reviews have included a mixture of applications incorporating higher density buildings, growth areas masterplans, social housing proposals, and community facilities.
The two-year extension, reappoints the existing panel members to the panel until October 2025 and commences an expression of interest process to appoint additional heritage and planning experts to the panel.
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