Planning Delegated Committee Meeting July 2024

Generic image of Town Hall from a distance

At the monthly Planning Delegated Committee Meeting on Wednesday 10 July, Ballarat City Council considered the following agenda items:

Heritage Order – Former Carrier Arms Hotel, Creswick Road  

Ballarat City Council received a report on the planning application of the former Carrier Arms and Hotel on 9 Creswick Road.  

The report outlined a Heritage Assessment undertaken and the City of Ballarat has deemed the property of local heritage significance.  

Upon considering the recommendation, Council resolved to request the Minister for Planning to prepare and authorise a planning scheme amendment to apply a site-specific Heritage Overlay to the property.  

Heritage Victoria permit application for the Ballarat Railway Station  

Ballarat City Council received a report from officers in response to a Heritage Victoria request for a City of Ballarat submission to the proposed overpass to the Ballarat Railway Station.  

Council discussed the report and noted the importance of the investment being made to the station and also noted the importance of ensuring all spaces are designed to be welcoming and accessible to all.  

Upon considering the submission and recommendation, Council resolved to adopt and submit the written submission to Heritage Victoria as presented in the agenda.