Mayors Message Thursday 6 January 2022
I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas break with family and friends. For those still with holidays, enjoy, and for those returning to work, I hope you are relaxed and refreshed.
The City of Ballarat has an exciting year ahead. One of the strategic documents our investment in planning and community consultation produced last year is the ‘Council Plan 2021-2025’ which identifies the priorities we want to achieve as a Council for the community.
Last year we undertook the ‘Ballarat: Our Future’, a community consultation process that resulted in the “Community Vision 2021-2031’ document.
As we commence another year, I think it is important to reflect on the vision the community saw for Ballarat by 2031.
In 2031, our city is a leader in sustainable living with ecologically sound neighbourhoods where people can meet their daily needs within a short walk, ride or bus trip.
We have easy access to parks and gardens, community facilities and education for all ages. Our health and community services respond to community need.
Everyone is valued and welcomed in our city. We celebrate our diversity and everyone in our community is able to participate fully in life.
We approach challenges and opportunities with a creative and innovative approach to get the best result for our people.
Our people work locally in the diverse range of industries that make up our solid local economy. We embrace our rich heritage.
We continue to preserve our links to the gold rush era and recognise and celebrate our long Aboriginal history and the breadth of our cultural heritage. We balance the need to conserve our historical places and spaces with the need and desire to progress as a modern regional city.
What a powerful vision to have for our city, owned by our community. The City of Ballarat ‘Council Plan 2021-2025’ has set the strategic goals to help enable this vision.
It is a very exciting year ahead for Ballarat.
Cr Daniel Moloney
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