Mayors Message Thursday 16 December 2021

Update from the Mayor

Last week saw what could be a historic event in the making, as 13 local councils and regional tourism body Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive, came together at Clunes to support the bid to have our Central Victorian goldfields recognised internationally through a World Heritage listing.

The partnership has already committed $125,000 and further support from the State Government would enable critical work to be commissioned over the next few months.

Funding is being sought through Regional Development Victoria’s $10 million ‘Investment Fast-Track Fund’, which was established to strengthen evidence-based planning needs to help regional projects fast-track to investment-ready stage. 

This funding will help the group identify which sites could make the World Heritage list and what investment is needed to leverage the bid to benefit local jobs, communities and industry, including rebuilding after the COVID-19 pandemic.   

This next stage will get the bid ready for World Heritage tentative listing for consideration by the Victorian and Australian Governments.  

Maybe not as historic, but none-the-less extremely exciting, is the return of our Summer Sundays throughout January with an absolutely amazing line-up of both local, Melbourne and national musical talent.

Some of the Summer Sundays highlights include Harry James Angus from The Cat Empire, Katy Steele from Little Birdy, and The Public Opinion Afro Orchestra – a mammoth 18-piece ensemble delivering contemporary African funk.

This incredible live music program will also feature Bumpy, a First Nations artist who has her own unique blend of soul, pop and jazz as well as the accomplished local lineup that includes Skyscraper Stan, Grove, Shadow Feet, Tim Currie and The Sam Boon Quintet.  

It is an exciting time coming into Christmas, as well as for the year ahead and a great opportunity to invite friends and family that we haven’t seen for so long to come to our great city and enjoy Ballarat’s entertainment and hospitality.

Mayor Cr Daniel Moloney


Cr Daniel Moloney