Mayor's Message - Thursday 15 December

A Ballarat playground maintained by Council

One of the great challenges of a local government area and as stewards of $2 billion in community assets as well as managing nearly 100 community services is the need to constantly explore and consider new and more effective and more efficient ways of doing the work we do.  

As a council we have learnt that one of the most important and valued ways of achieving this is through inviting our community to have their say on the many projects and services the City of Ballarat manages.    

One of the simplest ways to have your say on current projects and have your opinion or suggestions heard is through  

Projects usually have a closure date which is important to check that so you can get your submission in, in time. The website also lists previous projects for which the date has ended but can sometimes provide useful background information or be used as a reference. 

As we lead up to Christmas there are some really important issues needing community help including: 

  • Having your say on our recycling and waste collections 

  • Local businesses helping us with ideas on the upcoming Victorian ban on problematic single-use plastics, particularly around how do we eliminate single use coffee cups? 

  •  The Miners Rest Township Plan – Exhibition of Ballarat Planning Scheme Amendment C235ball 

  • Your thoughts on the outdoor dining pods 

  • Your support for proposed road names for the Ballarat Airport Precinct  

I would encourage anyone that has an interest in any, or all of these matters, to get online, have a read of the project’s background information and submit your thoughts.  

If you are not able to jump online, please just come in and chat to our Customer Service at the Phoenix Building and one of the staff can help you with a hard copy survey. 

As Mayor of Ballarat, I cannot promote enough how important our community’s input is. We are heading into exciting times for our city and it would be lovely to know everyone has played their own small part in achieving its success.    

Mayor Des Hudson


Cr Des Hudson