Mayor's Message Thursday 10 June 2021

Update from the Mayor graphic

Do you know a young Ballarat person making a big contribution to their community?

Now is the time to nominate them for the City of Ballarat Youth Awards.

The 16th Annual Youth Awards aim to recognise and celebrate the valuable contributions that young people are making in our community today.

People aged 12-25 living, working and/or attending school in Ballarat can be nominated for an award across 11 categories with a chance to receive a major award for outstanding contributions to the community.

Award categories include Compassion and Care Award, Group Project Award, Positive Leader Award, Adult Ally, and much more.

There are so many inspirational youth in Ballarat who are doing great things and deserve to be acknowledged.

We can make sure we are supporting them to make a brighter future for our city by recognising they great work they are doing today. Nominating a young person in your life for the Youth Awards is a great way to show them that their hard work is being seen and is greatly appreciated.

I know for many of our past nominees and winners, the experience of being publicly celebrated through the awards was an uplifting and encouraging moment.

The City of Ballarat Youth Awards are an initiative of the City of Ballarat Youth Services T.E.A.M. (Together Enhancing the Achievements of Many) and are run by a volunteer committee of Ballarat youth volunteers.

Full credit to those young volunteers who are working hard to make sure the achievements of their peers are acknowledged and celebrated. Nominations are open until 25 June and can be submitted via the website

The City of Ballarat Youth Awards Event Ceremony will be held on Friday 13 August, at the Wendouree Centre for Performing Arts.


Ballarat Mayor Daniel Moloney


Cr Daniel Moloney 
