Mayor's Message - Monday 24 April

Crowds gather at Arch of Victory for Anzac Day

ANZAC Day continues to be one of the most important days on the calendar for all Australians.  

Once again, this year we are preparing for Ballarat residents to turn out in large numbers to pay their respects and I really do urge everybody – if you can’t make it to one of the services across the city – to set aside some time out of your day and take a moment to reflect.

There are many services being conducted in Ballarat and surrounds on ANZAC Day and we encourage you to remember the fallen and those who served.

If you are up before the sun, please join us at the Ballarat Cenotaph in Sturt Street at 6am for the Dawn Service.

Or if you’d prefer something a bit later, there are services at Cardigan at 7am, the Arch of Victory at 8am, Sebastopol at 8.45am, a wreath laying service at the Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial at 9am, Miners Rest at 10am and Buninyong at 10.15am.

You can find the full list of services and road closures at

Ballarat has a long and proud military history in the pursuit of defending our rights and liberties.  

This ANZAC Day, we will pause to thank and remember all Australian and New Zealand servicemen and women who have served courageously for our country.  

We honour their sacrifice and bravery in putting the country before themselves so that we may experience the wonderful Australian way of life enjoyed today.

Their courage and nobility will never be forgotten.

Lest we forget.