Mayor’s Message - Friday 3 November 2023
This week we launched consultation for the new Open Space Strategy.
Parks, reserves, playgrounds and trails are something that we all use in Ballarat regularly, so we are now asking what you like about your open spaces and how they could be improved or changed.
This strategy will guide the improvement and development of our public open spaces, parks, reserves and natural spaces across Ballarat.
Your feedback will help shape this strategy, which will be presented back to the community in 2024 for further consideration.
What you tell us now will assist in determining how the Open Space Strategy is shaped.
We want to know from you about your favourite open spaces and how you like to spend your time in these.
Do you travel to an open space, or do you use the one closest to you?
Do you spend time with family and friends at a park, or is open space somewhere you go to exercise?
What about your four-legged friend, do you take them? Or are you looking for a new playground for the children to enjoy?
We also want to know how to improve safety and accessibility in the open spaces, how to improve these spaces and what open spaces are most valuable to you.
Right now, to provide your feedback you can go online and fill out a quick survey on - this will help develop the strategy.
In the new year there will be further opportunities to participate via in-person feedback sessions and collaborative workshops to shape the Ballarat Open Space Strategy.
We will continue to invest in key open spaces to deliver better quality places for people to sit, play, interact and enjoy the natural environment.
- Mayor Cr Des Hudson
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