Mayor's Message - Friday 25 March

Intercultural Ambassador and child with Mayor Cr Daniel Moloney raising the Harmony Day flag

At a time when the world is experiencing such instability, it is important to reach out to others around us and make sure they know they have support. For many of us violence has never been part of our lives, and never should it be. But for some in our community they have left homes where war, upheaval and uncertainty are just part of life. Such times make us take stock of our lives and appreciate the good news a whole lot more.

One such very relevant and appropriate good news story this week has been ‘Harmony Fest’.

Launched in 2010, Harmony Fest has become the City of Ballarat’s vibrant celebration of diversity. It is a time where all Australians are encouraged to come together to reflect on and celebrate the many cultures that create not only our great nation, but importantly what is an important part of our Ballarat way of life.

The extensive Harmony Fest program of events over the past week has highlighted the incredible opportunity our cultural diversity offers our community. From sport to the arts to food and business, there is tremendous value and opportunity to be had in integrating the collective cultural knowledge, experience and skills of our multicultural communities into our broader society.

Another good news story has been the 2022 Begonia Festival that wrapped up last Sunday. What a fantastic team effort! The stunning displays, the colourful parade, packed tram rides, picnics and boats on the lake provided a truly festive atmosphere amid the beautifully presented gardens.

From the City of Ballarat staff to our local businesses and our community; together we put on quite a show and I am sure all would agree it was great to see businesses once again bustling with activity. While we are still working through the event analysis, we know the superb weather helped showcase our beautiful city to many thousands of visitors.

- City of Ballarat Mayor, Cr Daniel Moloney