Mayor’s Message - Friday 12 July 2024

Text with The Mayor's Message with an image of Mayor Cr Des Hudson in front of a wide shot of a group of Nature Stewards walking through the bush.

Applications are now open for the fourth annual Nature Stewards program, an incredible program where community members can discover new and exciting ways to learn and care for nature.

The environmental education program for adults is delivered by the City of Ballarat in partnership with the Victorian National Parks Association.  

It enables everyday people to discover more about their own local environment and connect with others in the community.  

The program is incredibly popular and has been at capacity for the first three years, with participants thoroughly enjoying the program and what they’ve been able to take from it.

In the program, the participants will learn about the local and wider Victorian ecosystems and natural places. Topics include things like rocks and soils, fungi, plants, animals, climate change and seasons, and ways to help nature thrive.  

There are class and field sessions in a group setting, to help community members explore their new interests and career opportunities in the environmental sector.  

The program enables learning to support nature at home and through local volunteering.  

It’s open to all adults who want to learn about their local environment and ways to support nature and explore volunteering opportunities in the environment.

It is a 10-week course, with a commitment of three hour class sessions and additional four hour field trips.  

Sessions are held at the Lucas Community Hub on Saturday mornings from 7 September to 23 November.

For more information and to apply, visit

Applications are open until 23 August 2024.

- Mayor Cr Des Hudson