Integrated Strategic Planning Framework documents adopted
Several key strategic documents for the city’s future were adopted at last night’s Ballarat City Council meeting.
The four-year Council Plan, the 10-year Community Vision and the 10-year Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan were all adopted (unanimously).
The Council Plan 2021-2025 provides a strategic direction for Ballarat for the next four years and was informed by the Ballarat: Our Future community engagement process.
The Community Vision 2021-2031 - also informed by the Ballarat: Our Future community engagement process - outlines the community’s aspirations over the next 10 years.
It was informed by a large-scale community engagement process in February and March 20201, plus community panel input in April and May.
The Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2031 includes goals and strategies to improve the community’s health and wellbeing, with specific actions directed towards priority groups which experience greater health disparities.
A draft 2021-2031 Financial Plan was also presented to Council last night to be placed on public exhibition from Monday 30 August until 9am Monday 13 September.
Council must adopt the Financial Plan by 31 October.
Carols by Candlelight Strategic Partnership varied
Ballarat City Council last night voted to amend a Carols by Candlelight Strategic Partnership agreement.
The amendment allows for the $15,000 in funding that would have been allocated in 2020/21 to instead be given in 2021/22 and an extra year added to the three-year, $45,000 partnership agreement.
The event was not held last year due to COVID-19 restrictions and the funding was held over.
The waiver of the Mars Stadium hire fee to host this year’s event was also approved.
Mayoral election to be held November 1
Ballarat City Council has voted to hold its mayoral election on Monday 1 November.
Council will vote on a mayor and deputy mayor and also on whether the mayoral term will be one or two years.
City of Ballarat mayoral terms have traditionally been one year but the Local Government Act allows for two year terms as well.
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