Going for Gold - Website aims to take Goldfields to the World

Gold Mining

The campaign to put the Central Victorian Goldfields on the World Heritage map took a huge step forward this week with the launch of a fascinating new website.

Funded by the Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive (VGTE), the goldfieldsworldheritage.com.au site is the latest iteration of the bid that has been bubbling behind the scenes for several years. It provides fascinating insights into the discovery of gold in Victoria, the world-wide significance of the Victorian goldrush and the epic bid for World Heritage listing.

“This is a significant development in the quest to have our goldfields heritage acknowledged, and fittingly, comes in the week of celebrations to mark the 166th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade in 1854,” Cr Daniel Moloney, Mayor of Ballarat said.

The Central Victorian Goldfields World Heritage Bid is a partnership between thirteen local governments, including Ballarat Council; regional organisations, academia and the private sector on behalf of the Central Victorian Goldfields community.

 “The exciting feature of this massively transformative project is not only the huge impact it will have both on local and cross-regional visitor economies, but the positive contribution to regional regeneration, prosperity and opportunity, Cr Chris Meddows-Taylor, VGTE Chair and Mayor of the Central Highlands Shire.  Importantly the journey starts right now as we build the excitement of people to visit and discover the proposed World Heritage landscape and in doing so creating a much-needed boost to industry in the COVID recovery period.”

The bid seeks to secure a World Heritage listing to celebrate the globally significant history and heritage of the region and to focus the world’s attention on its many – past and present –­ hidden treasures.

The site itself is a treasure trove of historic photos, illustrations and stories. It has scores of useful references and links for scholars, industry stakeholders, tourism operators and community groups.

It is also a functional working tool in the bid development process. It encourages interested parties to register for regular bid updates and invites participation in the creation of a new, overarching regional brand and critical investment opportunities through online surveys and workshops.

To find out more about this exciting project, visit goldfieldsworldheritage.com.au