Council to consider submissions on Draft Budget, Revenue & Rating Plan, Mayor & Councillor Allowances
City of Ballarat Council will hold an unscheduled meeting online this Wednesday (9/6) to consider public submissions received in response to the Draft Budget 2021/22, Revenue and Rating Plan; and Mayor and Councillor Allowances.
The unscheduled meeting of Council will consider all submissions received during the community engagement period which concluded on Monday 7 June for the Draft Budget 2021/22 and Revenue and Rating Plan; and Tuesday 8 June for Mayor and Councillor Allowances.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions the meeting is being held online only.
Members of the public who have registered to speak in support of their written submission will be supported to do so virtually.
The meeting will be broadcast live on the City of Ballarat website on Wednesday from 6.30pm.
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