Contract awarded for reconstruction of Gillies Road

Gillies Road

Gillies Road

Ballarat City Council has awarded the contract for the reconstruction of Gillies Road to Fulton Hogan Industries for a total tendered price of $5,059,269.38 (ex GST).

The project involves the reconstruction of a 4.2 kilometre section of Gillies Road, from Addington Road to Glendonald Road, Ascot.

The reconstruction will replace the existing narrow road with two 3.5m-wide lanes and 1.5m-wide road shoulders, bringing the link road up to modern standards.

The works include minor tree removal and pruning, drainage construction, road pavement construction and sealing, guardrail installation, table drain formation, line-marking and other works.

City of Ballarat Mayor, Cr Tracey Hargreaves said the works will boost safety along the busy link road in our local road network.

“This significant upgrade of Gillies Road will widen the road and deliver essential safety improvements for our community,” she said.

The $5,059,269.38 (ex GST) total tendered price includes $2,000,000 awarded from the Federal Government’s Roads to Recovery Program as well as $3,059,269.38 from the City of Ballarat’s 2024/25 Capital Works Program.  

The City of Ballarat has informed nearby property owners of the upcoming works.

Works are expected to start in May and will take about three months, weather permitting.