City of Ballarat adopts 2023/24 Budget and Rates and Charges

The City of Ballarat has adopted the 2023/24 Budget along with the rates and charges for the 2023/24 financial year at a Council Meeting last night.
The 2023/24 Budget represents continued delivery against the six goals of the Council Plan 2021-2025. It was prepared through a transparent process of community consultation and aligns to the Council Plan 2021-2025.
In adopting the 2023/24 Budget, Councillors also adopted the level of rates to be levied for the year, with an average increase of 3.5 per cent, consistent with the State Government’s Rate Cap. Council officers have calculated the City of Ballarat will raise $125 million through general rates in the 2023/24 financial year.
Individual property rate changes will vary and may be higher or lower than the 3.5 per cent rate cap depending on property valuation movements, which are determined by the Valuer-General Victoria and not by the City of Ballarat. The key factor in determining each ratepayers’ share is how the value of their property has moved in comparison to the average movement of properties in the City of Ballarat.
Ballarat residents will begin to receive their rates notices from late July.
City of Ballarat Mayor Cr Des Hudson said the 2023/24 Budget reflected residents’ priorities, and that adopting an average rate increase consistent with the State Government’s Rate Cap would allow the City of Ballarat to continue to invest in those priorities.
“Rates support everybody in our community – from babies to older residents – and contribute to making Ballarat a great place to live,” he said.
“From major projects such as the Central Library and Her Majesty’s Theatre upgrades, to Maternal Child Health services, your rates support the places we come together and ensure our community is supported,” he said.
For more information about how rates are calculated and how rate capping works, watch this video from the Municipal Association of Victoria.
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