Ballarat: Our Future. Help shape the Ballarat of tomorrow by sharing your ideas today
A city-wide community conversation to help shape the future of Ballarat begins this month.
“Ballarat: Our Future” will offer Ballarat residents the chance to share with the City of Ballarat their priorities for the future of our city.
Over the next four weeks residents can provide their ideas online, at community conversation events at locations across the municipality and a special ‘day of a thousand conversations’.
Feedback gathered through Ballarat: Our Future will inform key council planning documents including a Community Vision, the 2021-2025 Council Plan, future council budgets, and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
Mayor of Ballarat Cr Daniel Moloney said Ballarat: Our Future would be staged in two parts.
“In the coming weeks we want our community to share what they want for Ballarat over the next four years of this council term, as well as longer term priorities, aims for their local neighbourhood and emerging issues and opportunities for the whole city.”
“Those ideas will be captured in a report that will inform the second part of the process, where a panel of community members and councillors will identify key themes and priorities to shape key council planning documents for this council term and beyond.”
Cr Moloney said it was vital that community members from a range of backgrounds shared their ideas.
“We want to make sure the plans we make as a council reflect the aims of our whole community, so it’s vital we hear from a diverse range of voices.”
“We’ll be providing many opportunities for you to do just that, so I would encourage everyone to come along to a community conversation session in your area or visit the Ballarat Our Future page at our mysay website to share your thoughts and ideas.”
For more information, key dates and to have your say, visit
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