Management works at the Whitehorse Road former landfill site
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Project overview
Management works at the former Whitehorse Road Landfill, known as Whitehorse Road Conservation Reserve, located at the corner of Frenchman's Lane and Whitehorse Road, Mount Clear, will be undertaken from the last week of January 2024 to July 2025.
The required works will further enhance the long-term protection of human health and the environment and meet the City of Ballarat’s obligations to manage the site responsibly under the Local Government Act 2020 and the Environmental Protection Act 2017.
The works deliver:
- Limiting surface water ponding and infiltration into the waste mass to minimise the potential for leachate generation.
- Providing a barrier between waste and the environment to protect human health and the environment.
- Providing a barrier to minimise the release of landfill gas.
- Ensuring that the capping and subsequent revegetation works comply with the Landfill Best Practice Environmental Management (BPEM).
The works will occur:
- Monday to Friday: 7am to 5pm
- Saturday: 8am to 4pm
- Sundays and Public Holidays: No works without prior written consent
Site access
To facilitate site rehabilitation, the site is not accessible to the public pre or post construction.
During construction, a Traffic Management Plan will be in place along Whitehorse Rd, between Frenchmans Lane and the Yarrowee River bridge.
Frenchmans Lane will remain accessible throughout the works.
The map below provides an indication of the section of Whitehorse Rd that will be impacted by the Traffic Management Plan.
We will be providing updates via the City of Ballarat website throughout the course of the project.
If you have any further questions, please contact the City of Ballarat via Customer Service by phone on 5320 5500 or email