Accessible Parking Permits
Victoria's Accessible Parking Permit (APP) Scheme is an online system administered by VicRoads. Residents and organisations who need a new permit, or to renew or replace a permit, will need to apply online below.

Quick Tasks
Apply for an accessible parking permit
How do I apply for or renew a personal accessibility parking permit?
- Start your application online at
- You’ll receive an application reference number via SMS*
- Take your reference number to your GP or occupational therapist
- Your GP or occupational therapist will complete an online assessment and submit your application.
- Your application will be assessed by VicRoads to determine if you qualify for a permit.
- If your application is successful, City of Ballarat will finalise your application and you’ll receive your permit in the mail.
* If you need help with the online form, please contact our Customer Service team on 5320 5500 and they can help you out with different options.
How do I apply for or renew an organisation accessibility parking permit?
- Start your application online at
- You’ll receive an application reference number via SMS and email
- Your application will be assessed by VicRoads to determine if you qualify for a permit.
- If your application is successful, City of Ballarat will finalise your application and you’ll pick up your permit at the council.
How do I replace my permit?
- Start your replacement application online at
- You’ll receive a replacement application reference number via SMS and email
- Your application will be assessed by VicRoads to determine if you qualify for a permit.
- If your application is successful, City of Ballarat will finalise your application and you’ll pick up your permit at the council.
About the accessible parking permit scheme
In 2021, all Victorian councils will move to the new online system, which will provide community members with an easier, streamlined online application process, that is consistent across the state. The new permit also will better align with the COAG 2010 Australian Disability Parking Permit Scheme (ADPS).
Improvements to the Scheme include:
- Introduction of temporary permits for 6, 12 or 24 months,
- Increased permit length, from 3 to 5 years for individuals,
- Introduction of a permanent disability classification, so reassessments are not required for some people’s future permit renewals,
- A new single and secure state-wide permit design that will reduce the misuse of permits,
- The inclusion of occupational therapists (OTs) as assessors, in addition to GPs, and
- Double Time (green permits) and permits for organisations will continue under the new scheme.
Need some help?
Check out our FAQ section below to see if we have an answer to your question.
If you still need help with your application, or have questions on the new APP Scheme, contact our Customer Service team on 5320 5500.
The application process
How do I apply for a disability permit?
- Start your application online at
- You’ll receive an application reference number via SMS
- Take your reference number to your GP or occupational therapist
- Your GP or occupational therapist will complete an online assessment and submit your application.
- Your application will be assessed by VicRoads to determine if you qualify for a permit.
- If your application is successful, City of Ballarat will finalise your application and you’ll receive your permit in the mail.
If your application is unsuccessful you'll receive a letter explaining why your application was declined.
Can I use a paper form instead?
If you need help with the online form, please contact our Customer Service team on 5320 5500 and they can help you out with different options.
Can I pick up my permit from City of Ballarat?
Yes. When completing your application, you can choose to pick up your permit from our Customer Service centre at The Phoenix, 25 Armstrong Street South.
How long does it take to get a permit?
Once your application is approved, your permit with arrive in the mail in around seven to 10 days.
These times may vary depending on Australia Post demand.
What if I don't have internet access or physically can't complete the online application?
Your carer, a family member, friend, GP, or our Customer Service team can help if you need assistance or have no internet access.
Can I or my GP use old application forms to apply for a permit?
No. As part of the disability parking scheme update, clearer assessment questions were created with the help of medical professionals, to allo GPs and occupational therapists to assess mobility issues against the criteria. Some questions on old forms are no longer valid and do not fit the new schemes questions.
Dispute resolution
I didn't get a permit because I didn't meet the eligibility criteria
If you believe your GP or occupational therapist has incorrectly assessed your mobility issue or medical condition, you may seek a second opinion from a different GP or occupational therapist. This is done by starting a new application, with the functional assessment undertaken by a different medical practitioner.
I received a Double Time Permit when I wanted an Australian Disability Parking Permit
Permit type is determined by criteria assessment and not someone’s personal preference or request. An applicant’s mobility issue is the sole determent of permit type. It is important to remember that there is a hierarchy of needs within disability parking. People who require extra space to get out of a vehicle or whose medical condition restricts walking to less than 100m are given priority.
If you believe your GP or occupational therapist has incorrectly assessed your mobility issue or medical condition you may seek a second opinion from a different GP or occupational therapist. This is done by starting a new application with the functional assessment undertaken by a different medical practitioner.
How do I dispute my disability parking permit outcome?
If you wish to dispute the eligibility criteria of the scheme or scheme operation you can request an explanation of the basis of the eligibility of the criteria and scheme operation from VicRoads. You can contact VicRoads at, or phone 1300 965 677.
Scheme changes
Why was the scheme changed?
The Disability Parking Permit (DPP) Scheme in Victoria was last updated in 1995 and does not align with the national Australian Disability Parking Scheme.
The scheme was previously administered individually by each of the 79 councils in Victoria. Each council interpreted the scheme differently and had individual administration processes. That led to confusion within the community as well as the potential for inequitable outcomes for applicants and opportunity for the misuse of permits.
The updated scheme continues to be administered by the 79 Victorian councils, but the process for applying for and renewing permits has been streamlined.
The new APP Online Service provides community members with an easier application process and misuse of permits will be reduced, freeing up disability parking bays for the people who really need them.
What are the main differences with the new Scheme?
The Accessible Parking Permit (APP) project aims to streamline the permit application and renewal processes, clarify eligibility requirements, and introduce systems and tools to improve management of permits across Victoria.
Changes being made include:
- Permit holders who have been medically assessed as having an agreed permanent disability will no longer have to return to their medical practitioner for reassessment as part of the permit renewal process
- The permit duration will be increased from three years to five years for individuals (with non-temporary permits)
- The permit application and renewal processes will be streamlined with applications to be submitted through a new state-wide digitised system
- Permits will adhere to a standard, highly secure permit design rather than 79 variations which currently exist
- The name of the scheme will be changed from ‘Disabled Persons Parking Scheme’ to ‘Accessible Parking Permit Scheme’
The following features will be retained:
- Green Permits/Category 2 Permits will continue to allow a permit holder to park for twice the permissible time in an ordinary parking bay
- Those with significant intellectual disabilities are eligible for a permit.
Has the eligibility criteria changed?
The overall eligibility criteria has not changed. However, the wording and the process that a medical practitioner assesses a patient’s mobility or medical condition has changed.
Do I need to apply for a new permit?
You will need to apply for a new permit when your permit expires.
Can I keep using my existing permit?
Existing permits can be used until their expiry date.
Transitioning to the new scheme
I was previously told I don't need to see a GP - why do I need to see one now?
Permit applications were managed by 79 councils and this led to a range of variations in application processes and outcomes, including variations in process for people with permanent disabilities.
The APP Scheme has updated the questions GPs and Occupation Therapists will use to asses eligibility against the scheme. Every applicant for a permit will need to be assessed at least once by a GP or OT using the new application process and criteria questions.
GPs and OTs will have the ability in this new assessment process to categorise someone as having a permanent disability. This will mean they will no longer require a functional assessment to renew their permit.
I was previously eligible for a permit, but was not after applying for a renewal. Why?
As part of disability parking scheme update, clearer assessment questions were developed in consultation with medical practitioners to allow GPs and Occupation Therapists to assess mobility issues against the criteria. This related to both space requirements to exit and enter vehicles and the impacts of walking distances may have on an applicant’s health. Previously questions were open to a broad interpretation. They are now more aligned with assessing against the scheme criteria.
I used to have a blue permit, now it's green. Why is this?
The allocation of Reserved Bay (blue) and Double Time (green) permits is determined by outcomes of a mobility assessment.
As part of the disability parking scheme update, clearer assessment questions were developed in consultation with medical practitioners to allow GPs and occupation therapists to assess mobility issues against the criteria. This related to both space requirements to exit and enter vehicles and the impacts of walking distances may have on an applicant’s health.
Based on this, the outcome of your application may result in you receiving a green Double Time permit, rather than an Australian Disability Parking Permit (formerly known as the ‘blue permit’).
I am the parent of a disabled child, why can't my partner and I have a permit for each car?
The conditions of use for an accessible parking permit only allow for an individual to hold one permit. Permits are assigned to individuals, not vehicles. This was also a condition of the old scheme.
It is recognised that this will create inconvenience and difficulties for some people who share responsibility for caring for someone with mobility issues.
However, this needed to be weighed against the potential for permit misuse that can occur if an individual can be issued with multiple permits.
Why can't I get a permit on the spot anymore?
Permit administration, printing and distribution is now managed through one central process, which does not require a visit to your local council to process a form. Once your medical practitioner has undertaken your functional assessment it should take 10 to 15 days for your application results to arrive in the mail.
Why does my GP or OT not know the results of my application?
Your GP or occupation therapist will answer a range of questions that assess eligibility for a permit against the criteria. The answers to these questions determine your eligibility.
Prior to the assessment outcome being known, your local council will check your application against any know duplicate permits or previous cancelled permits. It is only after this assessment step is the outcome of your application determined and you are advised by mail.
Why can't my GP or OT decide if I get a green or blue permit?
Permit type has always been determined by functional assessment against set criteria questions and not personal preference or request. GPs and OTs are required to answer criteria eligibility questions, the responses to which determine permit eligibility and permit type.