Development Infrastructure Levy (DIL)

image of new suburb pathway and open space

What is the Development Infrastructure Levy?

The Development Infrastructure Levy (DIL) is a contribution towards major civil infrastructure in the Ballarat West Growth Area including drainage, roads, intersections, and recreational open spaces.

Do I need to pay the levy?

The DIL contribution needs to be paid by a developer, or owner, when they start Developing Land in the Ballarat West Growth Area. Residents and landowners who are not developing their land will not be affected. At present the DIL does not apply to Ballarat developments that do not fall within the Ballarat west growth area. 

How much is the levy and when does it need to be paid?

The current DIL rate is:

Residential Levy -  $341,627.65 per net developable area
Commercial Levy - $235,924.55 per net developable area

The DIL is paid for residential subdivision when land is subdivided and is due before the Statement of Compliance can be issued for each stage of subdivision. For commercial developments, payment is required before works commence. If a development is proposed without the subdivision of land, payment is required before a building permit is issued. 

The developer can elect to pay the community infrastructure levy on behalf on the new landowners before the statement of compliance is issued for each stage. 

Sale or transfer of land in Ballarat West does not in itself trigger a development contribution payment.

Will the levy increase?

Yes. The DIL rate is indexed annually.The updated rates will be published in the City of Ballarat Notice Board in the Ballarat Times News Group and the City of Ballarat website.

Contact the Sustainable Growth Team

For any questions about the Ballarat Growth Areas: