Mayor's Message | ourballarat spring 2022

Mayor Cr Daniel Moloney

One of the six integral goals of the City of Ballarat’s Council Plan 2021- 2025 states we will be ‘a Council that provides leadership and advocates for its community’.

The City of Ballarat is continuously advocating to the Victorian and Australian governments for funding for important programs and projects that will benefit the Ballarat community and the broader region.

As the Victorian election draws closer, the City of Ballarat continues to advocate for a range of priority projects for our city.

As you’ll read, these projects include the creation of a purpose-built Wendouree Library and Learning Centre and the redevelopment of the Eastwood Leisure Complex.

A planned new Wendouree Library and Learning Centre at Weeramar Park will provide a community hub, expand the range of services available to residents and would be life-changing for many in the community.

Likewise, a redevelopment of the ageing Eastwood Leisure Complex would support more than 100 local community groups, that call the Ballarat Central hub a home, to thrive.

This spring edition of ourballarat also has a focus on the City of Ballarat’s 2022/2023 budget.

This budget was informed by you, our community, through a community engagement process that began in November 2021.

It was clear you wanted a budget that focuses on sustainability but remains committed to building the infrastructure necessary to cater for a growing, thriving city.

Throughout this edition, you’ll find a few budget facts that detail just how much the City of Ballarat is investing to maintain council assets and to deliver more than 80 services and 98 plus projects for residents and visitors.

Our budget, just like our advocacy, focuses on delivering the best possible lifestyle opportunities for you, our community.