We maintain more than 1200 kilometres of sealed roads and 390 kilometres of unsealed roads within our municipality.

Who is responsible for our roads?
VicRoads looks after freeways and arterial roads (excluding service roads, pathways and roadsides of arterial roads).
We look after municipal roads within Ballarat, such as your local neighbourhood streets.
If there is an issue with a road and you don't know who looks after it, you can contact our Customer Service team.
You can also view the VicRoads interactive map of declared roads.
Visit the Roadworks FAQ for more information.
How do I report a pothole?
How can I request a road be sealed?
When deciding whether to seal an unsealed road, we look at the traffic volume and speed, what the maintenance levels of the road are and would be, and what types of vehicles are using the road.
You can submit a request to seal an unsealed road to:
Infrastructure Planning
City of Ballarat
PO Box 655
Ballarat VIC 3353
Do I need a permit?
You may need a permit to work in the road reserve. Find out about Works Within Roads Reserve.
How do streets get named?
I want to request a place be named or renamed
Any person or organisation may ask for a place be named or renamed within our municipality.
Visit our MySay website for more information on our place naming process.
I want to view City of Ballarat's Road Management Plan
Page topics

What is the Development Infrastructure Levy?
The Development Infrastructure Levy (DIL) is a contribution towards major civil infrastructure in the Ballarat West Growth Area including drainage, roads, intersections, and recreational open spaces.
Do I need to pay the levy?
The DIL contribution needs to be paid by a developer, or owner, when they start Developing Land in the Ballarat West Growth Area. Residents and landowners who are not developing their land will not be affected. At present the DIL does not apply to Ballarat developments that do not fall within the Ballarat west growth area.
How much is the levy and when does it need to be paid?
The current DIL rate is:
Residential Levy - $341,627.65 per net developable area
Commercial Levy - $235,924.55 per net developable area
The DIL is paid for residential subdivision when land is subdivided and is due before the Statement of Compliance can be issued for each stage of subdivision. For commercial developments, payment is required before works commence. If a development is proposed without the subdivision of land, payment is required before a building permit is issued.
The developer can elect to pay the community infrastructure levy on behalf on the new landowners before the statement of compliance is issued for each stage.
Sale or transfer of land in Ballarat West does not in itself trigger a development contribution payment.
Will the levy increase?
Yes. The DIL rate is indexed annually.The updated rates will be published in the City of Ballarat Notice Board in the Ballarat Times News Group and the City of Ballarat website.
Contact the Sustainable Growth Team
For any questions about the Ballarat Growth Areas:
- Email: growthareas@ballarat.vic.gov.au
- Phone: City of Ballarat Customer Service on 5320 5500 and ask for the Sustainable Growth Team

Infrastructure Design Manual (IDM)
City of Ballarat uses the Infrastructure Design Manual (IDM), The IDM is a joint initiative of Victorian rural and regional Councils working together to formulate and maintain a set of consistent requirements and standards for the design and development of infrastructure.
The IDM outlines engineering/infrastructure standards for roads, drainage and other structures and was designed to clearly document and standardise Council requirements for the design and development of municipal infrastructure.
It aims to also expedite council engineering approvals and ensure that minimum design criteria are met in regard to the design and construction of municipal infrastructure regardless of whether it is constructed by Council or a developer.
Please note: The Infrastructure Design Manual (IDM) may be revised and amended to ensure currency over time.
Guidance to the IDM – Information Sheets
The following guidance sheets provide further information on how the City of Ballarat implements sections of the IDM.
- On-Site Detention Systems for Development
- InSite Water Integrated water management (IWM) and stormwater assessment tool
- Local Access Road Reserve Widths for Development
- Frequently Asked Questions: Stormwater Design for Developments
Development Engineering Subdivision Information Sheets
- Implied and Express Easements for Private Drainage on Plans of Subdivision
- Ballarat West PSP, Non-DCP Road and Intersection Upgrades
- Public Lighting Plans
A-Spec As-Constructed Plans
Landscape Design Manual
The manual is a guide and reference for landscape architects and designers to prepare landscape plans for submission to the City of Ballarat, by landscape contractors during landscape construction, and by developer and City of Ballarat representatives in the field during the landscape construction and maintenance.
The manual is to help ensure landscape works meet accepted industry standards, and sound horticultural and sustainable management practices.
Street furniture and park furniture guidelines
Download the Street and Park Furniture Guidelines.
The Street and Park Furniture Guidelines form part of the City of Ballarat's Urban Design Manual.
The guidelines are a technical working document for City of Ballarat staff that can be added to and updated as new furniture items are developed, or existing ones modified.
Current infrastructure standard drawings
There are two types of standard drawings used in Ballarat, Infrastructure Design Manual standard drawings and the City of Ballarat’s standard infrastructure drawings.
In most new development sites, the Infrastructure Design Manual standard drawings will be the drawing set used for infrastructure.
For development in existing urban areas, the Infrastructure Design Manual takes priority over the standard infrastructure drawings, unless existing City of Ballarat infrastructure prevents the use of the Infrastructure Design Manual standards.
City of Ballarat standard infrastructure drawings
- Index 1 - Concrete structures, drains, kerbs, footpaths and landscaping
- Index 2 - Miscellaneous, pits, roads, street furniture and traffic management
Concrete structures
- SD-C1 - Indented storage bay for one bus
- SD-C2 - Semi-trailer and heavy vehicle access for industrial properties
- SD-C3 - Concrete endwall (bluestone channel)
- SD-C4-1 - Pedestrian kerb ramp detail (corrugated profile)
- SD-C4-2 - Pedestrian kerb ramp detail (corrugated profile)
- SD-C4-3 - Pedestrian kerb ramp detail (corrugated profile)
- SD-C4-4 - Pedestrian kerb ramp detail (corrugated profile)
- SD-C5 - Light reinforced concrete bridge (2-tonne wheel load capacity)
- SD-C6 - Bus shelter DDA layout
- SD-D1 - Plinths over services
- SD-D2-1 - Sub soil drainage behind kerb and channel
- SD-D2-2 - Sub soil drainage below kerb and channel
- SD-D3 - Concrete spoon drain
- SD-D4-1 - Bluestone pitcher channel "3 pitcher standard"
- SD-D4-2 - Bluestone pitcher channel
- SD-D5-1 - Roof discharge dissipator application one
- SD-D5-2 - Roof discharge dissipator application two
- SD-D6 - 900mm Dia R.C.P. to bluestone creek connection details
- SD-D7-1 - Private drains 150mm and 225mm connection to kerb and channel
- SD-D7-2 - Private drains 150mm and 225mm connection to bluestone channel
- SD-D7-3 - Private drains 90mm, 150mm and 225mm connection to bluestone channel
- SD-D8-1 - Trench details for reinforced concrete pipes
- SD-D8-2 - Authority trench details
- SD-D8-3 - Trench details for R.C. box culverts
- SD-D9 - House connection drain "to main outfall drain"
Kerbs and footpaths
- SD-K1 - Standard kerb sections
- SD-K2 - Standard asphalt footpath section
- SD-K3-1 - Standard footpath concrete
- SD-K3-2 - Standard concrete footpath section for subdivisions
- SD-K3-3 - Standard footpath helix concrete
- SD-K3-4 - Standard footpath subdivision helix concrete
- SD-K4-1 - Standard concrete footpath section with spoon drain
- SD-K4-2 - Standard concrete footpath section with spoon drain for subdivisions
- SD-K5-1 - Streetscape kerb and bluestone channel
- SD-K5-2 - Streetscape kerb (crossing details)
- SD-K5-3 - Streetscape kerb and channel
- SD-L1 - Lawn areas typical application for centre medians and roundabouts
- SD-L2 - Advanced tree planting detail - Type A
- SD-L3 - Advanced tree planting detail - Type B
- SD-L4 - Advanced tree planting detail - Type C
- SD-L5 - Planting details garden beds, tube stock and native grasses
- SD-L6 - Irrigation details
- SD-L7 - Subgrade, topsoil and mulching detail
- SD-L8 - Timber bollard detail
- Roundabout Landscape Guidelines 2016
- SD-M1 - Typical paving detail (pedestrian areas)
- SD-M2 - Vehicular crossing to bluestone channel
- SD-M3 - Single lane slow point
- SD-M4 - Roll top fencing
- SD-M5 - Full rubber guide post
- SD-M6 - Standard sign for private roads
- SD-P1-1 - Precast side entry pit concrete cover 900mm inlet
- SD-P1-2 - Insitu side entry pit concrete cover 900mm inlet
- SD-P2-1 - Precast side entry pit concrete cover 1.8m inlet
- SD-P2-2 - Insitu side entry pit concrete cover 1.8m inlet
- SD-P3-1 - Precast unhaunched pits concrete cover
- SD-P3-2 - Insitu unhaunched pits concrete cover
- SD-P4-1 - Precast haunched pits concrete cover
- SD-P4-2 - Insitu haunched pits
- SD-P5 - Precast drainage pit 300mmx300mm
- SD-P6 - 900mmx600mm grated junction pit to suit spoon drain
- SD-P7 - Double side entry pit 2100mmx750mm with grated lid
- SD-P8 - Side entry pit with flume
- SD-P9 - Concrete spoon drain and pits for reverse fall nature strips
- SD-P10-1 - Precast junction pit concrete cover
- SD-P10-2 - Insitu junction pit concrete cover
- SD-R1-1 - Standard road cross section for collector road
- SD-R1-2 - Standard road cross section for link road
- SD-R2 - Pavement joint lapping base layer
- SD-R3 - Typical pavement profiles
- SD-R4 - Typical cement stabilised pavement profiles
Street furniture
- SD-S1-1 - Plan view heritage barrier for bluestone channel
- SD-S1-2 - Elevation plan heritage barrier for bluestone channel
- SD-S1-3 - Connection details for heritage barrier for bluestone channel
- SD-S1-4 - Cast iron boss detail for heritage barrier for bluestone barrier
- SD-S1-5 - Spiral bracket detail for heritage barrier for bluestone channel
- SD-S2 - Timber bollard detail (redgum)
- SD-S3 - Sign post detail
- SD-S3-1 - Street sign detail
- SD-S4 - Treated pine post and pail
- SD-S5 - Bus shelter kew style
Traffic management
- SD-T1 - Roundabout details
- SD-T2 - Statcon line marking details
- SD-T3 - Flat top road hump
- SD-T4 - Watts profile speed hump and line marking detail
- SD-T5 - Concrete precast speed ramp and line marking detail
The City of Ballarat has taken every care to ensure the information shown on these drawings is accurate, however some variations from records may exist, and complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Are you wanting to sign up for Direct Debit?
In a bid to ensure your rates payments are as simple as possible, this year you are again able to access a monthly instalment option.
This is available via direct debit on the 15th of each month from September to June. You can also pay your rates in quarterly instalments on 30 September, 30 November, 28 February and 31 May.
Direct debit registrations can be made online via eServices or by returning the completed direct debit request form to info@ballarat.vic.gov.au.
Centrepay is available for ratepayers receiving a fortnightly payment from Services Australia (Centrelink). You can set this up with Centrelink or complete the Rates Centrepay Payment Application and return to the City of Ballarat in person, email or via post.
Are you having financial difficulties?
The City of Ballarat is committed to helping people and businesses who are having financial difficulties. Anyone who is having difficulty paying part or all of their rates, charges or Fire Services Property Levy should contact City of Ballarat Customer Service team on 5320 5500 and ask for the Rates Team for information on how we can assist.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, you can talk free to a financial counsellor at the National Debt Hotline on 1800 007 007 or by visiting their website.
Financial Hardship Policy
Ratepayers who meet the criteria under this policy can apply for a range of assistance options that suit their individual needs.
Applications for assistance under City of Ballarat's Financial Hardship Policy should be made on the prescribed form. Ratepayers will need to provide evidence to support their claim for financial hardship.
Enquiries about this policy can be made by contacting the City of Ballarat Customer Service team on 5320 5500.
Pensioner concession
If you are eligible and hold a current pension card you may be able to claim a rebate on your rates of up to $253.20. This amount is adjusted annually in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). A further concession of $50 can be claimed from the Fire Services Property Levy.
Please note, if you’re a Health Care Card holder, you are not entitled to a rebate or concession for Council rates or the FSPL.
Apply for a concession on your rates.
A copy of an eligible concession card must be presented with the application.
Visit the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing for more information.
Eligible pensioners who live alone in their own home and are solely responsible for the payment of rates on that property, will be entitled to receive an additional rate waiver of $100, funded by the City of Ballarat.
To apply download the City of Ballarat Single Pension Waiver and return to the City of Ballarat in person, email or via post.

When will I receive my rates?
The City of Ballarat sends out valuation and rates notices in August each year.
You can receive your rates notice by email or post.
If you need a copy of your rates notice, you can request a copy through eServices.
Get your notice by email
With eNotices you can self-manage your properties, send notices to multiple email addresses, print additional copies, and view your notices online at any time.
- Go to ballarat.enotices.com.au
- Enter in your email address and eNotices Reference Number (you can find this on your rates notice)
- Check your email inbox and click the validation link.
- Select a password and enter your mobile number.
How can I get a replacement copy of my rates notice?
If you need a copy of your rates notice, you can request a copy through eServices or, if you receive your notices by email via eNotices, you can log in to your eNotices account and print a copy.
When do I pay my rates?
You can pay your rates in one lump sum payment or in instalments throughout the year.
- A lump sum payment is due on 15 February
- Four instalments are due on:
- 30 September
- 30 November
- 28 February
- 31 May
To pay by four instalments, the first instalment must be paid by 30 September. Reminder notices will be sent for the next instalments.
You can pay the four instalments by direct debit. Direct debit registrations can be made by returning the completed direct debit request form to info@ballarat.vic.gov.au. -
Ten (10) Monthly direct debit instalments due on 15 of each month from September to June. Direct debit registrations can be made online via eservices by returning the completed direct debit request form to info@ballarat.vic.gov.au.
How do I pay my rates?
- Pay online with eServices
- Direct debit in four quarterly or ten monthly payments from your nominated bank account. Payments can only be taken from a cheque or savings account. Please make sure you have enough funds on the due dates. NOTE: Ratepayers who have previously elected to pay by Direct Debit do not need to register again.
- Pay with BPAY using online banking or your bank’s smart phone app. Otherwise, please contact your participating bank, credit union or building society and quote your biller code and BPAY reference number on your notice.
- Biller Code: 1420
- Reference: the 7-digit number (assessment number) located on the front of your rates notice next to the BPay logo
- By mail send the payment slip with a cheque or money order made payable to City of Ballarat (no pins or staples). Keep the top of your notice for your records as a receipt.
- Post Billpay: Visit Post Billpay or call 13 18 16 and have your notice on hand.
- In person at any Australia Post branch or the City of Ballarat Customer Service Centre at 25 Armstrong Street South, Ballarat Central.
Are you having financial difficulties?
The City of Ballarat is committed to supporting people and businesses who are experiencing financial difficulties. Anyone who is having difficulty paying part or all of their rates, charges or Fire Services Property Levy should contact the City of Ballarat Customer Service team on 5320 5500 for information on the hardship application.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, you can talk to a free financial counsellor at the National Debt Hotline on 1800 007 007.
Financial Hardship Policy
Ratepayers who meet the criteria under this policy can apply for a range of assistance options that suit their individual needs.
Applications for assistance under Council's Financial Hardship Policy should be made on the prescribed form. Ratepayers will need to provide evidence to support their claim for financial hardship.
Enquiries about this policy can be made by contacting the City of Ballarat Customer Service team on 5320 5500
Pensioner concession
If you are eligible and hold a current pension card you may be able to claim a rebate on your rates of up to $259.50
This amount is adjusted annually in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). A further concession of $50 can be claimed from the Fire Services Property Levy.
Apply for a concession on your rates.
A copy of an eligible concession card must be presented with the application.
Visit the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing for more information.
Eligible pensioners who live alone in their own home and are solely responsible for the payment of rates on that property, will be entitled to receive an additional rate waiver of $110, funded by the City of Ballarat.
To apply download the City of Ballarat Single Pension Waiver and return to the City of Ballarat in person, email or via post.