Works Within Roads Reserve

What is a Works Within Roads Reserve Permit?

Any works that involve digging in the road reserve require consent. To excavate any part of the road reserve you must apply to the coordinating road authority. For roads belonging to the City of Ballarat you can apply for the permit online or in person at our Customer Service Centre.

You must also conduct a Dial Before You Dig search to locate underground services.

Upon receipt of an application, one of our Asset Surveillance Officers will confirm whether you can proceed with your works.

Once works are complete you must reinstate all road reserve assets to their original condition. The works manager must notify us once works are complete so a final inspection can be organised.


Do I need consent to work in Road Reserves?

Work activities that involve digging in the road reserve require consent (unless exempt under the Road Management Act 2004) to ensure public safety is maintained during the works, and the assets are reinstated to required standards.

To excavate any part of the road reserve you must apply to the coordinating road authority (CRA). VicRoads is the CRA for all highways and arterial roads, while the City of Ballarat is the CRA for other roads within the municipality. You must also conduct a Dial Before You Dig search to locate underground services at

Upon receipt of an application, our Asset Surveillance Officer will confirm you can proceed without impacting other planned works. The officer will then inspect the site to determine the likely impact of works.

Once works are complete, the works manager must reinstate all road reserve assets to their original condition. It is recommended you notify us prior to the final reinstatement so an officer can inspect to ensure the planned reinstatements are complete and comply with standards. The works manager must notify us once reinstatement works are complete so a final inspection can be conducted, and the 12-month defect warranty period can begin.


Types of works requiring consent

Works requiring consent include, but are not limited to, excavations, trenching, core sampling, connecting water, gas or stormwater, and soil testing.


Exemptions under the Road Management Act, 2004

A utility, public transport provider, responsible road authority, or an agent thereof may not require consent if the works do not impact traffic and/or are minor works. However, they must still notify us of their works and are subject to the reinstatement standards.


Reinstatement standards

Reinstatements must meet City of Ballarat standards and requirements to ensure the safety, and ongoing useful life of public infrastructure.


Do I have to pay for consent to work in road reserves?

Yes. The exact fee is dependent on the type and size of the works, is non-refundable and covers the cost of undertaking site inspections and associated administration.


How can I apply for consent to work in road reserves?

You need to register to access the Consent to Work in Road Reserves application.

In person at our Customer Service Centre.


Other Permits

Depending on the nature of the works, additional permits may be required. Please ensure you comply with all requirements that may apply to your situation by contacting us on 5320 5500.

These may include:


Further Information

Call our Customer Service team on 5320 5500 or email