Whether you have an existing plantation or are thinking of establishing a new plantation, you need to be aware of your responsibilities.
Native timber harvesting in Victoria’s state forests will end by 1 January 2024. If you’re considering establishing a new plantation, or harvesting an existing plantation, here’s what you need to know.
In the Ballarat Planning Scheme, ‘Timber Production’ is a defined land use, and requires compliance with Clause 53.11 (Timber Production) of the Ballarat Planning Scheme.
Clause 53.11-2 requires compliance with the ‘Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014 (as amended 2022)’, known as ‘the Code’. Some zones require planning permits in addition to compliance with the Code. The Code regulates timber harvesting in State forests, private native forests and plantations. It outlines environmental standards for planning and conducting commercial timber harvesting.
Important values like biodiversity, recreation and cultural heritage are protected under the Code. Before establishing a plantation on private land, you must submit either a ‘Plantation Development Notice’ or a planning permit application to the City of Ballarat in accordance with section 4.1 of the Code.
Before harvesting a plantation on private land, you must submit a ‘Timber Harvesting Plan’ to the City of Ballarat in accordance with section 4.5 of the Code.
Blue gums are a popular plantation wood, and a favourite food and habitat for koalas. If you are considering establishing or harvesting a blue gum plantation, then koalas will likely be present and you are required to assess if they are present. For blue gum plantations, the Conservation Regulator requires owners and managers of blue gum plantations to hold an authorisation to disturb Koalas during plantation management operations, which would come in the form of a Koala Management Plan.
Templates for both ‘Plantation Development Notice’, and ‘Timber Harvesting Plan’ is available in DELWP’s ‘Management Guidelines for private native forests and plantations’.
A Koala Management Plan template and further information is available in the State Governments ‘Minimising impacts to Koalas in blue gum plantations – Regulatory Guide’.
For more information, please contact the City of Ballarat on 5320 5500.